The Romantic Swordsman
Drama Action & Adventure
A Fist Within Four Walls
Action & Adventure Crime
Take My Word For It
Action & Adventure Drama
Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre
Drama Action & Adventure
King of Gambler
Drama Action & Adventure
Legendary Fok
Action & Adventure Drama
Real Kung Fu
Drama Action & Adventure
Rage and Passion
Drama Action & Adventure
The Righteous Fists
Drama Mystery Action & Adventure
Court Secret Agent
Action & Adventure
The Mystery of the Condor Hero
Action & Adventure Drama
Fist Fight
Action & Adventure
Dynasty (II)
Drama Action & Adventure
The Smiling Proud Wanderer
Drama Sci-Fi & Fantasy Action & Adventure
Death By Zero
Drama Action & Adventure Mystery
Young Charioteers
Action & Adventure Drama
Line Walker: Bull Fight
Crime Mystery Action & Adventure
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