City of Contrasts

City of Contrasts

Release date : January 1, 1969
Runtime : 22m
Countries of origin : Senegal /
Original Language : French / Wolof /
Director : Djibril Diop Mambéty /
Writers : Djibril Diop Mambéty /
Production companies : Studio Kankourama /
January 1, 1969 22m Senegal Documentary French More
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A fictional documentary that portrays the city of Dakar, Senegal, as we hear the conversation between a Senegalese man (the director, Djibril Diop Mambéty) and a French woman, Inge Hirschnitz. As we travel through the city in a picturesque horse drawn wagon, we chaotically rush into this and that popular neighborhood of the capital, discovering contrast after contrast: A small African community waiting at the Church's door, Muslims praying on the sidewalk, the Rococo architecture of the Government buildings, the modest stores of the craftsmen near the main market.
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  • title:City of Contrasts
  • status:Released
  • Release date: 1969
  • Runtime:22m
  • Genres: Documentary ·
  • Countries of origin: Senegal ·
  • Original Language: French · Wolof ·
  • Director: Djibril Diop Mambéty /
  • Writers: Djibril Diop Mambéty ·
  • Production companies: Studio Kankourama ·
  • Overview:A fictional documentary that portrays the city of Dakar, Senegal, as we hear the conversation between a Senegalese man (the director, Djibril Diop Mambéty) and a French woman, Inge Hirschnitz. As we travel through the city in a picturesque horse drawn wagon, we chaotically rush into this and that popular neighborhood of the capital, discovering contrast after contrast: A small African community waiting at the Church's door, Muslims praying on the sidewalk, the Rococo architecture of the Government buildings, the modest stores of the craftsmen near the main market.
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