Once Upon a Rainbow

Once Upon a Rainbow

Release date : April 21, 1982
Runtime : 1h 23m
Countries of origin : Hong Kong /
Original Language : Cantonese /
Director : Agnes Ng /
Production companies : Golden Princess Film Productions / Cinema City & Films Co. /
April 21, 1982 1h 23m Hong Kong Drama Cantonese More
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Fong and Angie were close friends when they were in school but departed after graduation. Fong continued her further education in a training center. Angie worked in a studio and had a crush on a guy classmate Cheung, who was also attracted to Angie. Though Angie had feeling on Cheung, but she found out about Fong's infatuation so refused to date Cheung. One night, Angie was particularly low in spirits, she went to see Cheung at the club where he sang. She ended up sleeping with him. Stricken by a guilty conscience, Angie refused to see Cheung again. Fong found that Cheung didn't like him so she dedicated herself into course. At the graduation performance, Fong invited Angie to go but Angle didn't show up. Fong kept calling Angie and eventually she got through and found out that Angie had drown in the swimming pool.
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Drama Thriller Romance
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Comedy TV Movie Family
  • title:Once Upon a Rainbow
  • status:Released
  • Release date: 1982
  • Runtime:1h 23m
  • Genres: Drama ·
  • Countries of origin: Hong Kong ·
  • Original Language: Cantonese ·
  • Director: Agnes Ng /
  • Writers: Kenneth Yee · Wong Kar-Wai · Hoh Hong-Kiu · Edmond Liu ·
  • Production companies: Golden Princess Film Productions · Cinema City & Films Co. ·
  • Overview:Fong and Angie were close friends when they were in school but departed after graduation. Fong continued her further education in a training center. Angie worked in a studio and had a crush on a guy classmate Cheung, who was also attracted to Angie. Though Angie had feeling on Cheung, but she found out about Fong's infatuation so refused to date Cheung. One night, Angie was particularly low in spirits, she went to see Cheung at the club where he sang. She ended up sleeping with him. Stricken by a guilty conscience, Angie refused to see Cheung again. Fong found that Cheung didn't like him so she dedicated herself into course. At the graduation performance, Fong invited Angie to go but Angle didn't show up. Fong kept calling Angie and eventually she got through and found out that Angie had drown in the swimming pool.
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