Patouillard a mangé du homard

Patouillard a mangé du homard

Release date : September 8, 1911
Runtime : 5m
Countries of origin : France /
Original Language :
Director : Romeo Bosetti /
Writers :
Production companies : Lux Compagnie Cinématographique de France /
September 8, 1911 5m France Comedy More
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Despite the severity of his weekly adventures recently, little Bill is here to cheer us once more with his frolicsome escapades. We see him seated tete-a-tete with a very pretty girl, indulging in the luxury of a particularly magnificent lobster for dinner. It is, of course, quite inconceivable that Bill should do anything without its having some astonishing consequence, and the effect of the succulent crustacean is in nowise disappointing. Immediately he finishes his repast, Bill is seized with most alarming spasms, and then, apparently taking on the habits of the shellfish he devoured, commences to walk backwards out of the room. Tripping up at the top of the stairs, he falls down headforemost and then leaps backward into the street, where he seeks refuge in a waiting carriage.
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  • title:Patouillard a mangé du homard
  • status:Released
  • Release date: 1911
  • Runtime:5m
  • Genres: Comedy ·
  • Countries of origin: France ·
  • Original Language:
  • Director: Romeo Bosetti /
  • Writers:
  • Production companies: Lux Compagnie Cinématographique de France ·
  • Overview:Despite the severity of his weekly adventures recently, little Bill is here to cheer us once more with his frolicsome escapades. We see him seated tete-a-tete with a very pretty girl, indulging in the luxury of a particularly magnificent lobster for dinner. It is, of course, quite inconceivable that Bill should do anything without its having some astonishing consequence, and the effect of the succulent crustacean is in nowise disappointing. Immediately he finishes his repast, Bill is seized with most alarming spasms, and then, apparently taking on the habits of the shellfish he devoured, commences to walk backwards out of the room. Tripping up at the top of the stairs, he falls down headforemost and then leaps backward into the street, where he seeks refuge in a waiting carriage.
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