Ivana Baquero Macías is a Spanish actress. At the age of 11, Baquero was chosen by director Guillermo del Toro to play the lead role of Ofelia in Pan's Labyrinth, for which she won critical acclaim and the Goya Award for Best New Actress.
Also Known As:Ιβάνα Μπακέρο·Ιβάνα Μπακέρο Μαθίας·Ivana Baquero Macías·イバナ・バケーロ·Івана Бакеро·ایوانا باکرو·ایوانا باکِرو·
Biography:Ivana Baquero Macías is a Spanish actress. At the age of 11, Baquero was chosen by director Guillermo del Toro to play the lead role of Ofelia in Pan's Labyrinth, for which she won critical acclaim and the Goya Award for Best New Actress.