Janah Fakhoury

Janah Fakhoury

Known For:Acting
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Known For: Acting Gender: Female Birthday: More


She's famous Lebanese actress, accompanied by the top artists and brought together two generations with her presence. A woman who preserved her father's legacy in high art, considering that art is a beautiful message, and she doesn't care about titles or major roles, and is satisfied with what it offers because it resembles her and is sincere from heart to heart. She was raised in a beautiful and musical family atmosphere as her father is the musician Joseph Fakhoury.
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Drama Thriller
Romance Comedy Drama
  • name:Janah Fakhoury
  • Known For:Acting
  • Gender:Female
  • Birthday:
  • Place of Birth:
  • Also Known As:
  • Biography:She's famous Lebanese actress, accompanied by the top artists and brought together two generations with her presence. A woman who preserved her father's legacy in high art, considering that art is a beautiful message, and she doesn't care about titles or major roles, and is satisfied with what it offers because it resembles her and is sincere from heart to heart. She was raised in a beautiful and musical family atmosphere as her father is the musician Joseph Fakhoury.
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