Aoi Tsubasa formerly known as Ibuki Aoi (葵いぶき), is a Japanese AV actress active since 2020.
She debuted under the name Ibuki Aoi (葵いぶき) in June 2020.
She changed her name to Aoi Tsubasa (翼あおい) in January 2021.
Also Known As:翼 あおい·葵 いぶき·Ibuki Aoi·葵伊吹·翼葵·葵いぶき·翼あおい·츠바사 이부키·
Biography:Aoi Tsubasa formerly known as Ibuki Aoi (葵いぶき), is a Japanese AV actress active since 2020.
She debuted under the name Ibuki Aoi (葵いぶき) in June 2020.
She changed her name to Aoi Tsubasa (翼あおい) in January 2021.