Tenjin Kotone

Tenjin Kotone

Known For:Acting
Place of Birth:
Also Known As: Kotone Tenjin / Kotone / God / 天神 子兎音 / てんじん ことね / 子兎音様 / 噛み様 / Koto-sama / Kami-sama /
Known For: Acting Gender: Female Birthday: More


Kotone is an independent female Japanese virtual YouTuber. She was originally a deity worshipped in a venerable shrine in Kyoto for 500 years and has saved humans in various ways, such as family safety, business prosperity, good health, traffic safety, and passes in exams. However, after taking a long nap, she was forgotten and no longer revered by humans. She wondered what the humans were crazy about without her, and when she looked into it, she found out that it was anime, games, voice actors, idols, and figures. As she researched, she herself was attracted to these things and decided to "post videos on YouTube to make people smile. And become the god of entertainment!" And thus, she became a virtual YouTuber.
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Watanuki's House
Animation Drama
  • name:Tenjin Kotone
  • Known For:Acting
  • Gender:Female
  • Birthday:
  • Place of Birth:
  • Also Known As: Kotone Tenjin · Kotone · God · 天神 子兎音 · てんじん ことね · 子兎音様 · 噛み様 · Koto-sama · Kami-sama ·
  • Biography:Kotone is an independent female Japanese virtual YouTuber. She was originally a deity worshipped in a venerable shrine in Kyoto for 500 years and has saved humans in various ways, such as family safety, business prosperity, good health, traffic safety, and passes in exams. However, after taking a long nap, she was forgotten and no longer revered by humans. She wondered what the humans were crazy about without her, and when she looked into it, she found out that it was anime, games, voice actors, idols, and figures. As she researched, she herself was attracted to these things and decided to "post videos on YouTube to make people smile. And become the god of entertainment!" And thus, she became a virtual YouTuber.
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