Dudley Do-Right - Saw Mill
July 5, 1963

Snidely Whiplash kidnaps Nell on her wedding day and holds her hostage in the sawmill.

Mr. Know-It-All - How to Be a Hitch-Hiker
July 5, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Fractured Fairytales - The Witch's Broom
July 5, 1963

Grizelda wins the Witch of the Year Award for being so nasty, but then falls in love with a handsome prince - so she decides to enchant herself and make herself a princess. It works, but her broom keeps following her, so she gets it a dustpan (called a "gride"), and they have a double wedding - Bride and Groom, and Gride and Broom...

Rocky & Bullwinkle - Moosylvania Saved (3) - (Untitled Episode)
July 5, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Rocky & Bullwinkle - Moosylvania Saved (2) - (Untitled Episode)
July 5, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Peabody's Improbable History - Sir Isaac Newton
July 5, 1963

Sir Issac Newton can't prove his law of gravity, so Mr. Peabody and Sherman travel to 1686, to make sure that Isaac Newton will have the iconic encounter with an apple that leads him to develop the Theory of Gravity.

Mr. Know-It-All - How to Be a Successful Member of the U.S. Peace Corps
July 5, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Aesop and Son - The French Poodle and the Alley Cat
July 5, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Rocky & Bullwinkle - Moosylvania Saved (1) - Moosylvania Saved
July 5, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Rocky & Bullwinkle - Wossamotta U (12) - A Rock for Rock or To Each His Stone
June 28, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Peabody's Improbable History - Johannes Gutenberg
June 28, 1963

Gutenberg needs to find paper to meet his five o clock deadline, and he must rewrite the stories when he accidentally prints the paper with invisible ink.

Bullwinkle's Corner - The Cherry Tree
June 28, 1963

Bullwinkle climbs a cherry tree.

Fractured Fairytales - Red White
June 28, 1963

Both the Duke and the fair maiden have the reddest hair in the nation. Lucky for them, red hair is the magic word.

Rocky & Bullwinkle - Wossamotta U (11) - Bullwinkle Buys a Fence or Pickets Charge
June 28, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Dudley Do-Right - Mechanical Dudley
June 21, 1963

Snidely replaces Dudley with a robot in an effort to infiltrate the Mounties.

Bullwinkle's Corner - Grandfather's Clock
June 21, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Fractured Fairytales - Tale of a Frog
June 21, 1963

Julius the Frog wants to become a person and needs the help of his fairy frog mother.

Rocky & Bullwinkle - Wossamotta U (8) - Male Bags or Homely Are the Brave
June 21, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Peabody's Improbable History - Lawrence of Arabia
June 21, 1963

Mr. Peabody and Sherman help Lawrence of Arabia with his mission of stopping Turkey's plans to overthrow Arabia. However, Lawrence needs all the help he can get.

Mr. Know-It-All - How to Direct Temperamental Movie Stars
June 21, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Aesop and Son - The Three Bears
June 21, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Rocky & Bullwinkle - Wossamotta U (7) - Rogue’s Gallery or Hold That Line-Up
June 21, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Rocky & Bullwinkle - Wossamotta U (6) - Bullwinkle Scores Again or Fool’s Goal
June 14, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Peabody's Improbable History - Christopher Columbus
June 14, 1963

Mr. Peabody and Sherman help Christopher Columbus discover that the earth is round. TRIVIA: It is a popular misconception that Columbus discovered America or that the Earth was round. The Earth’s shape had been common knowledge for centuries and Columbus was actually a terrible person who nearly drove the Caribbean natives to extinction. Also, Columbus was the first European contact with the Caribbean, Central America, and South America - not North America as this episode suggests.

Mr. Know-It-All - How to Buy a Used Car
June 14, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Fractured Fairytales - The Seven Chickens
June 14, 1963

A young Prince takes refuge in a palace where the King's six daughters have been turned into chickens.

Rocky & Bullwinkle - Wossamotta U (5) - Standing Room Only or Bullwinkle Sells Out
June 14, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Rocky & Bullwinkle - Wossamotta U (4) - Wager at Dawn or Early to Bet
June 14, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Dudley Do-Right - Coming-Out Party
June 7, 1963

Inspector Fenwick uses Nell's coming out party to steal Snidely's hat, making him a laughing stock.

Bullwinkle's Corner - Simple Simon
June 7, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Fractured Fairytales - Snow White Meets Rapunzel
June 7, 1963

The Prince must make like a bird and daringly rescue Rapunzel.

Rocky & Bullwinkle - Wossamotta U (2) - A College for Two or Rock Enrolls
June 7, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Peabody's Improbable History - Lord Francis Douglas
June 7, 1963

Peabody and Sherman aid Lord Douglas and his mountain climbers in reaching the peak of the Alps.

Mr. Know-It-All - How to Be a Top Flight Stock Salesman
June 7, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Aesop and Son - The Fox and the Hound
June 7, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Rocky & Bullwinkle - Wossamotta U (1) - Wossamotta U
June 7, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Dudley Do-Right - Snidely's Vic Whiplash Gym
May 31, 1963

Dudley Do-Right pays a visit to Snidely's Vic Whiplash gym where he loses all of his strength.

Mr. Know-It-All - How to Fix a Flat and Retire Your Car
May 31, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Fractured Fairytales - Leaping Beauty
May 31, 1963

Beauty is tricked by the wicked witch and is not put to sleep but is forced to put other people to sleep... even the prince.

Peabody's Improbable History - Guglielmo Marconi
May 24, 1963

Marconi's radio is wired underwater in the Venice Canal and Mr. Peabody must drain the canals to help him.

Bullwinkle's Corner - Thanksgiving Day
May 24, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Aesop and Son - The Fox and the Minks
May 24, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Rocky & Bullwinkle - Louse on 92nd Street (3) - The Half Shot Moose or Testify My Eye
May 24, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Peabody's Improbable History - William Tell
May 24, 1963

Willaim Tell is set to use his son to shoot an apple with an arrow, but he has lost his glasses and can't see a thing.

Mr. Know-It-All - How to Be a Human Fly
May 24, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Fractured Fairytales - Three Little Pigs
May 24, 1963

The Wolf, seeking a life of ease, attempts to marry one of the three pigs.

Rocky & Bullwinkle - Louse on 92nd Street (1) - Louse on 92nd Street
May 24, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Dudley Do-Right - The Locket
May 17, 1963

Nell gives both Snidely and Dudley a locket with her picture inside.

Mr. Know-It-All - How to Teach a Mean Bully a Lesson at the Beach
May 17, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Fractured Fairytales - Little Red's Riding Hoods (aka Little Red Riding Hood)
May 17, 1963

Red owns a fur shop and finds she needs a wolf pelt. Meanwhile, the wolf is going to bring goodies to Grandma's house, and so Red does the riding hood bit in reverse. But there's quite a twist at the end as the wolf goes into the fur business for himself...

Rocky & Bullwinkle - The Weather Lady (5) - Duel Controls or Put It in Second
May 17, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Peabody's Improbable History - The Battle of Bunker Hill
May 10, 1963

The American Army is ordered not to fire on their British enemies until they “can see the whites of their eyes.” Unfortunately, the British are wearing sunglasses.

Bullwinkle's Corner - Maury Had a Little Lamb
May 10, 1963

Bullwinkle changes this story to "Maury Had a Little Lamb" because Rocky is a boy.

Aesop and Son - The Country Frog and the City Frog
May 10, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Rocky & Bullwinkle - The Weather Lady (2) - The Rolling Stone or Look Ma, No Moss
May 10, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Peabody's Improbable History - Ponce de Leon
May 10, 1963

Ponce de Leon's men have overdosed on water from the fountain of youth and changed into babies – just before an enemy attack.

Mr. Know-It-All - How to Get Into the Movies
May 10, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Fractured Fairytales - King Midas
May 10, 1963

King Midas, the most miserly man alive, embarks on an advertising campaign to make people 'like' him, but places a mean tax on the people of his kingdom.

Rocky & Bullwinkle - The Weather Lady (1) - Weather Lady
May 10, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Dudley Do-Right - Snidely Mounted Police
May 3, 1963

Snidely Whiplash opens his own mounted police force.

Mr. Know-It-All - Magic Made Easy (The Hard Way)
May 3, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Fractured Fairytales - The Golden Goose
May 3, 1963

An old man who has three sons plans to give one of them a golden goose, but he first must find out which one deserves it. A rather dimwitted guy trades his stale sandwich to a goblin for a golden goose. Several people try to take the goose, but when they touch it, they are forever stuck to it!

Peabody's Improbable History - Don Juan
April 26, 1963

Don Juan has lost his mojo when he finds out that his love for onions has given him bad breath and he is losing all the ladies. Only Peabody and Sherman can help him recover his reputation. They try to make him give up onions, but that doesn't work. Can Mr. Peabody find a remedy?

Bullwinkle's Corner - Jack Be Nimble
April 26, 1963

Bullwinkle tells us the story of Jack B. Nimble, played by Boris, whose business card is "High Jumps Inc., Candlewicks a Specialty." He gets $40 a week.

Fractured Fairytales - Ugly Duckling
April 26, 1963

In a pond in the Middle West, an ugly duckling wants to be a star, so he has a face lift that makes him good-looking, and missing the opportunity to play an ugly role.

Peabody's Improbable History - Annie Oakley
April 26, 1963

Forest Primeval attempts to cheat Annie Oakley at a shooting match until a certain genius dog and his boy intervene.

Mr. Know-It-All - How to Be a Cow Puncher
April 26, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Aesop and Son - The Vain Crow
April 26, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Peabody's Improbable History - Louis Pasteur
April 19, 1963

Louis Pasteur's cow thinks she is a chicken after a case of amnesia, so Mr. Peabody decides to find a remedy.

Bullwinkle's Corner - Woodman, Spare That Tree
April 19, 1963

Bullwinkle stops Boris from cutting down his beloved trees.

Fractured Fairytales - Sweet Little Beet
April 19, 1963

Sweet Little Beet is a poor orphan girl forced into a life of drudgery and ill-treated by her wicked (and UGLY!) stepsisters. A mysterious (and invisible) Prince promises to wed the pure-in-heart maiden who can see him. Sweet Little Beet's wicked (and UGLY!) stepsisters make fools of themselves trying-but Little Beet succeeds! Will she marry the Prince? Well, not exactly... there's a problem.

Rocky & Bullwinkle - The Ruby Yacht (5) - The Deep Six or It’s Tough to Fathom
April 19, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Peabody's Improbable History - Lucretia Borgia
April 12, 1963

Lucretia Borgia, the worlds best poison artist has just gotten a 12th husband who is snacking on furniture. Peabody and Sherman try to get the husband to leave Lucretia but he loves her too much to bail out on her. So, Peabody creates a special potion for him that will make the man impervious to poison so he will live and not leave his wife.

Mr. Know-It-All - How to Win Friends
April 12, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Aesop and Son - The Mice in Council
April 12, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Rocky & Bullwinkle - The Ruby Yacht (2) - Let’s Drink to the Ruby or Stoned Again
April 12, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Dudley Do-Right - The Centaur
April 12, 1963

Dudley Do-Right captures what he believes to be a Centaur and makes it his new mount.

Bullwinkle's Corner - Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son
April 12, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Fractured Fairytales - Rumpelstiltskin
April 12, 1963

Rumpelstiltskin uses the magic of publicity to convince everyone that his client can spin gold out of straw.

Rocky & Bullwinkle - The Ruby Yacht (1) - Ruby Yacht
April 12, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Peabody's Improbable History - Napoleon
April 5, 1963

Mr. Peabody and Sherman travel to 1810 where they meet Napoleon who is missing his royal suspenders. So, Peabody and Sherman must get them back from some pirates. But when they get them back, they're shocked to see everyone is glad with Napoleon occupied.

Mr. Know-It-All - How to Remove a Mustache
April 5, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Fractured Fairytales - Booty and the Beast
April 5, 1963

Alden Farquhar has good looks and a sense of humor, but no money. While strolling along one day, he runs into a witch who turns him into a big, beastly ogre. People are now scared of him and shower him with money. Now rich, he must find a maiden to turn him back.

Dudley Do-Right - Trap Bait
April 5, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Bullwinkle's Corner - The Horn
April 5, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Fractured Fairytales - Pied Piper
April 5, 1963

This is the story of the Pied Piper who plays a flatt, not a flute, and who drives out all the mice in the town. The strange little man has the ability to create pies from his pipe! The King loves his tobacco pie! The only problem is that when the Queen takes a bite of the pie, she disappears!

Rocky & Bullwinkle - Moosylvania (1) - Moosylvania
April 5, 1963

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Peabody's Improbable History - Mata Hari
September 30, 1962

In 1914 England, Mata Hari has stolen the plans to Britain's greatest secret. Peabody and Sherman must capture her before she turns those plans over to the Germans.

Mr. Know-It-All - How to Have a Hit Record
September 30, 1962

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Aesop and Son - Son of the Masked Clock
September 30, 1962

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Rocky & Bullwinkle - Pottsylvania Creeper (4) - Vacation Days or Visit to a Small Panic
September 30, 1962

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Peabody's Improbable History - The Wright Brothers
September 23, 1962

Kitty Hawk, a troublesome bird, nests in the Wright brothers' plane and prevents them from making their historic flight. So Peabody disguises a rock as an egg to distract the bird without hurting it.

Bullwinkle's Corner - The Children's Hour: A Babysitters Guide
September 23, 1962

Bullwinkle barricades himself against some very bratty kids bent on committing mayhem.

Fractured Fairytales - Snow White
September 23, 1962

The dwarfs are hiding Snow White from the evil Queen.

Rocky & Bullwinkle - Pottsylvania Creeper (3) - Beaned by a Blossom or The Petal Pushers
September 23, 1962

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Rocky & Bullwinkle - Pottsylvania Creeper (2) - Four for the Show or Two Pairs of Plants
September 23, 1962

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Peabody's Improbable History - Calamity Jane
September 23, 1962

Calamity Jane tries everything to have a calamity to live up to her name, but she keeps failing with her good luck. Can Mr. Peabody think of something to help her become the desperado she was written to be?

Mr. Know-It-All - How to Make the Neighbors Quiet
September 23, 1962

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Fractured Fairytales - Sleeping Beauty
September 23, 1962

A Wicked Fairy casts a beautiful Princess into a never-ending sleep. The Prince who comes to awaken her changes his mind when he sees a chance for commercial exploitation-and turns her castle into a theme park and charges admission for the public to view her. (It is surely mere coincidence that the Prince is a dead ringer for Walt Disney!) When the Wicked Fairy shows up and wants her cut of the action, the Prince must dispose of her if he is to retain control of "Sleepingbeautyland." But is the Princess REALLY asleep? Who's exploiting whom?

Rocky & Bullwinkle - Pottsylvania Creeper (1) - Pottsylvania Creeper
September 23, 1962

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Rocky & Bullwinkle - Mucho Loma (6) - The Inferior Decorators or The Walleyed Moose
September 16, 1962

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Dudley Do-Right - Mountie Without a Horse
September 16, 1962

Snidely impersonates the Colonel and tells all of the Mounties that they must replace their horses with rocking horses.

Bullwinkle's Corner - The Queen of Hearts
September 16, 1962

The Queen of Hearts (Rocky) bakes heart-shaped cookies. The Knave of Hearts is Boris.

Fractured Fairytales - Androcles and the Lion
September 16, 1962

Androcles finds it is often helpful to befriend a lion, especially when you are thrown into a lion pit yourself.

Rocky & Bullwinkle - Mucho Loma (5) - The Unsatisfied Costumer or Why Not Try Brand X
September 16, 1962

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Rocky & Bullwinkle - Mucho Loma (4) - A Watery Grave or Drown Among the Sheltering Palms
September 16, 1962

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Peabody's Improbable History - Alfred Nobel
September 9, 1962

Alfred Nobel has trouble testing his explosives because he does not have a good place to test them. Now, Peabody and Sherman must help him find a safe place to test the TNT.

Mr. Know-It-All - How to Get Your Money Back
September 9, 1962

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Aesop and Son - The Hares and the Frog
September 9, 1962

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Rocky & Bullwinkle - Mucho Loma (3) - Rock Meets Rock or Thud and Blunder
September 9, 1962

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Rocky & Bullwinkle - Mucho Loma (2) - The Boys Bounce Back or Springtime in the Rocky
September 9, 1962

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Dudley Do-Right - Mother Whiplashes Log Jam
September 9, 1962

Dudley joins the Mounties and his first assignment is to blow up Snidely's log jam factory.

Bullwinkle's Corner - Barbara Frietchie
September 9, 1962

Bullwinkle reads a poem about Barbara Frietchie, who ends up being a sewing lady for the Union Army in the Civil War and tries to sew a flag for the Union. Boris plays a Confederate soldier trying to stop Barbara...

Fractured Fairy Tales - Princess and the Pea
September 9, 1962

The court jester tries to fool the King by providing him with fake princesses.

Rocky & Bullwinkle - Mucho Loma (1) - Mucho Loma
September 9, 1962

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Peabody's Improbable History - Lord Nelson
September 2, 1962

Lord Nelson is unable to go into battle against the Spanish fleet as his crew has left port minus one important commodity. Now it's up to Peabody to help him get into battle.

Mr. Know-It-All - How to Tame Lions and Get a Little Scratch on the Side of Your Head
September 2, 1962

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Fractured Fairy Tales - Riding Hoods Anonymous
September 2, 1962

Little Red Riding Hood is SO contrite after her booby-trapped basket explodes in the Wolf's face- especially as she's just discovered that he's a member of Riding Hoods Anonymous, a program designed to help him kick "the Riding Hood habit." And this is just the beginning of the story! A wicked, wicked satire that takes on 12-step programs, the DAR and the NRA in only four minutes!

Rocky & Bullwinkle - Bumbling Brothers Circus (9) - It's in the Bag or Rocky Gets the Sack
September 2, 1962

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Dudley Do-Right - The Masked Ginny Lynne
August 26, 1962

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Bullwinkle's Corner - Rocky Bye Baby
August 26, 1962

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Aesop and Son - The Owl and the Wolf
August 26, 1962

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Rocky & Bullwinkle - Bumbling Brothers Circus (6) - Looney Lightning or Nuts and Volts
August 26, 1962

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Peabody's Improbable History - Richard the Lion-Hearted
August 26, 1962

Mr. Peabody teaches King Richard how to become the truly lion-hearted and win his special noble quest. But, none of Peabody's strategies work, so he tricks him into using a sword which he convinces Richard into thinking is magic.

Mr. Know-It-All - How to Avoid Tipping the Waiter
August 26, 1962

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Aesop and Son - The Jackrabbits and the Mule
August 26, 1962

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Rocky & Bullwinkle - Bumbling Brothers Circus (4) - The Fire Eaters or Hot Lips
August 19, 1962

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Peabody's Improbable History - John L. Sullivan
August 19, 1962

John Sullivan has a large mustache that is preventing him from competing in the boxing match.

Bullwinkle's Corner - Taffy
August 19, 1962

Bullwinkle recites the poem "Taffy." However, in the telling of the story, Boris (in the role of Taffy) begins to "bend and ad-lib" his parts. For example, instead of stealing "a piece of beef," Taffy steals a whole cow. Bullwinkle gets upset as the poem is changed, and he thinks that he's got Boris with the last line of the poem. ("I went to Taffy's house, Taffy was in bed. I took a marrow bone and hit him on the head.") However, upon arriving, Boris takes the marrow bone and hits Bullwinkle in the head, giving the story an unhappy ending, much to Boris' delight.

Fractured Fairy Tales - The Fisherman and His Wife
August 19, 1962

A fisherman and his wife are very poor, and he is happy. The wife, however, is unhappy, and wishes that he would catch more fish in order to make a better living. While fishing, he catches a talking fish and takes it home to prove to his wife what he had found. The fish does not want to leave and gives the couple three wishes if they let him stay. They fumble around and get mad at the fish, telling him that they wish he would shut up- thus destroying all their hopes of getting rich. Eventually, they end up poor and back to square one.

Rocky & Bullwinkle - Bumbling Brothers Circus (3) - A Red Letter Day or Drop Us a Lion
August 19, 1962

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Rocky & Bullwinkle - Bumbling Brothers Circus (2) - Lion in the Bedroom or The Cat's Pajamas
August 19, 1962

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Dudley Do-Right - Railroad Tracks
August 19, 1962

Dudley disguises himself as Nell to capture Snidely Whiplash.

Mr. Know-It-All - How to Do Stunts in the Movies Without Having the Usher Throw You Out
August 19, 1962

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Fractured Fairy Tales - The Elves and the Shoemaker
August 19, 1962

We find that the shoemaker has to do many unlikely things to learn his trade.

Rocky & Bullwinkle - Bumbling Brothers Circus (1) - Bumbling Brothers Circus
August 19, 1962

We don't have an overview translated in English.

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