Prior to his accident, Hassan grapples with the consequences of his past actions and fights to protect his family from a nefarious man.
After carrying out a secret plan to learn more about the father he never knew, Khaled reveals what happened to Hassan.
A heated confrontation erupts between Samar and Hassan on the day of his death. Ibrahim's scheme — and his liaison with Samar — comes to light.
With her hacking skills, Waad reveals a plot connected to Hassan's startup and discovers the link connecting Samar, Arwa and Lama.
Lama hatches a scheme with someone from Hassan's past. Waad makes a shocking revelation.
Sawsan scrambles to hide the fact that her biological father began to message her one week before Hassan's death.
While tracing the source of the phone calls, Hassan's business partner Arwa unexpectedly encounters her husband Omar and confirms Amal's suspicions.
As she grapples with the death of her husband, Hassan, Amal receives a series of mysterious phone calls from his mobile phone.
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