Bo and Jane have a fun family day planned, but when they get trapped trying to help a wild T-Rex in distress, the Jr Ranchers must rescue their parents from a real dino-mergency!
When Jon, Miguel and Min decide to try riding each others' pteros, Thunderbolt and Miguel discover that getting used to a new flyin' partner is easier said than done.
When Wilbur’s baby, Comet, rockets off to explore the tunnels inside Dino Mountain, it’s up to Min, Sadie and Tara to combine their strengths to rescue the playful little pterosaur.
While trying to be like the elite Blue Ribbon Rider, Jon falls into trouble out on a Dino Doctor mission with his Ma - but she has a few elite skills of her own to help him out.
After discovering a T-Rex family stuck at the top of Spiral Summit, the Cassidy family must work together to bring the massive wild dinos down the mountain to safety.
When the Jr Ranchers discover Kraggletooth causing a ruckus inside the Mountaineers home, they're surprised to learn that Dino Mountain is his home too.
While using their construction vehicles to help the Mountaineers build the Dino Mountain Outpost, the Jr Ranchers show their neighbors the right way to work with dinosaurs.
When baby pterosaur Comet struggles to learn how to fly safely after a mishap, Jon tries to encourage her to try again while struggling to overcome an embarrassment of his own.
Angus's love for his new Dino Transporter draws the overprotective tritops into comic distractions and causes complications for the Jr Ranchers when they try to fix a bridge.
When the Dino Ranchers need to put together their new construction vehicles, Miguel shows Jon and Min the most important part of an inventor’s process: making mistakes, and try try again!
When a polka-dot parasaur is born on Dino Ranch, the green parasaur herd is taken aback, and it’s up to Min and Clover to show them that his appearance doesn't make him any different than they are.