Episode 11 — Announcement
August 4, 2008

In this post-disaster announcement we bring you up to speed on reconstruction and awesome new developments with Hak5. Darren shows off the Hak5 graffiti wall, a multiplayer game of notepad projected on the HakHouse set, and Matt reminds us all to mark August 15th on our calendar. The live show starts at 9 PM EST. The new season’s big premiere is scheduled for September 8th. We think you’re really gonna love it.

Episode 10 — Disaster Finale
May 5, 2008

In this episode Darren tours what’s left of the Hakhouse and shares a emergency shutdown tip. That’s pretty much it. Life hit hard and we’re working at getting back on track. Send us some good mojo.

Episode 9
April 5, 2008

In this episode Matt uses PowerGUI to command the new Windows PowerShell, Chris Gerling demonstrates Helix, an open source forensics toolkit and Darren builds a simple web mashup using Yahoo Pipes. Plus haksnacks including router passwords, uninterrupted file copying, password strength auditing, and Firefox keyword shortcuts. Oh yeah and some bloopers. A lot of bloopers. Actually, pretty much most of the episode is one ongoing blooper. We’re kicking it oldschool Hak5 style. Call it senioritis if you will :).

Episode 8 — Shmoocon Special
March 7, 2008

In this episode we head to Washington DC for Shmoocon, the only security conference with foam projectiles. We converse with Renderman about hacking and con-going. Scott Moulton provides insight on recovery and forensics with solid state disks. Mati Aharoni aka Muts tells us all about Backtrack and offensive-security. Dan Griffin debuts some new security tools for Vista. David Hulton aka H1kari talks about his research intercepting and cracking GSM traffic. And Chris Compton & Co bring us the latest from Hack or Halo. Plus this month’s trivia and a contest sure to get your lolz on.

Episode 7
January 29, 2008

In this episode Chris Gerling shows us a little reverse engineering with Crackmes, Darren unlocks OpenWRT on the Fon router, Will Coppola demonstrates inprotect, a nessus/nmap web frontent, and Matt fixes the Rock Band guitar once and for all. Plus HakSnacks including installation package building with Iexpress, a Rock Band drum kit for your PC, converting flash videos to mobile media formats, and browsing the Internets with calculator. Grab some pwnj00z, the next hour is designated for technolust!

Episode 6
December 31, 2007

In this episode of Hak5 Darren uses the eeePC, BackTrack 3, and Aircrack-ng to audit the security of our WPA encrypted wireless access point. Wess reviews Herbie the Mousebot from Solarbotics, a great electronics projects for beginners/intermediates. Chris Gerling comes by to show us Rockbox, the open source firmware alternative for your portable media players as well as a brief tutorial on building your own songs for frets on fire. Grab a companion cube and gather ’round for some technolust.

Episode 5
December 3, 2007

In this episode Simon Jakesch from Zenoss joins us to talk about the open source network management suite. Wess shows us the science behind the infrared camera mod. Chris Gerling hacks the Nokia 770 Internet tablet. Darren builds a one-click remote assistance package to help save the holidays, and Will Coppola drops by with an EVDO antenna mod sure to boost signal. Plus details on the upcoming Hak5Live / meetup at the East Coast LAN as always trivia. Grab some hax0rflakes, it’s time for a heavy dose of technolust.

Episode 4
November 17, 2007

In this episode Paul and Matt hold down the fort and hack the Gibson. Check out Guitar Hero modding, easy media streaming, and a great Linux setup for video creativity in this borderline absurd Hak5.

Episode 3 — 1984 Special
October 5, 2007

In this episode Darren flies solo and heads over to Springfield Missouri to uncover a diamond in the rough. The 1984 Arcade is home to over 50 restored classics and an atmosphere so retro you’ll be tempted to break out the walkman and power-level through Defender.

Episode 2
September 5, 2007

In this episode Wess mods the Linksys WRT54G wireless router and adds Power-over-Ethernet functionality. Darren checks out Anywhere.FM which pretty much lives up to its name. And our pal Mubix joins us via Skype for a paranoia inducing look at anonymous enumeration tools online. Plus this month’s Trivia, LAN Party, and of course, the saga continues.

Episode 1
August 5, 2007

In this season premiere episode of Hak5 Wess brings us an underwater camera enclosure mod, Alli shows us how to make our own nifty Photoshop brushes, and Darren gets his hack on with some cracked USB Wi-Fi for packet-sniffing goodness. Plus this month’s Trivia, LAN Party, and the latest in the EvilServer saga.

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