Noah & Hud work part time at a diner for a living. However, their presence has revealed the secret of the shop owner who uses pocong pelaris to attract customers.
Armed with the latest information, Nuh & Hud returned to travel to find their origins and were reunited with Mr. Azmir's family. The rimau fang charm used by En Azmir finally ate itself.
Ms. Hilyah asked for Nuh & Hud's help after the hysteria case that took place in their dormitory was difficult to curb. Their return now unravels the story of the genie that nestled in the womb of the hostel warden.
Salina brings Noah & Hud to work at a nightclub where she works. Noah & Hud began to get clues about the melodious voice singers they had heard all this time using perindu bamboo oil.
The shadow that appeared in Hud's view explained Noah's ailing condition. Out of jealousy, Noah was tested with the magic of "Gong Tau" which almost cost him his life.
Noah got an premonition about a woman who tried to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge. This leads them to disruption at a wedding that is affected by separatist magic.
Hud & Nuh now have to leave the orphanage they live in when they are old enough but had to cancel their wish after getting an address about Aunt Halimah who is suffering from edema.