Mister Extravaganza and the happy ending
August 17, 2008

Freedom and breadth are newly defined by Hubert von Goisern on the Linz Europe Tour East. Solitude is welcome as the new travelling companion for the ship's team after the stress of the previous weeks. The journey upstream back to the beginning is characterised by peace and tranquillity as the landscape all around conveys again and again.

Red hot chili peppers and Europe grows
August 10, 2008

Part four of Hubert von Goisern's Linz Europe Tour East leads ever further into what is for central Europe mostly mystically classified as eastern Europe. Darinka Tsekova, on board since the third episode becomes part of the team with her harmony for music and the great way she gets on with everyone else.

Karandila and the war against the wicked
August 3, 2008

In the third part of the TV series Hubert von Goisern continues to live the dream many have of unbounded freedom. The journey leads on through the barren landscape of Romania in high summer, looking towards Bulgaria. On the journey the team becomes acquainted with the vitality of land and people: individuals who were not blessed with riches, but instead with a good amount of heart and feeling for music.

King Decebal and the two women from the east
July 27, 2008

The real adventure can begin. In the second part of his "boat movie" narrator Hubert von Goisern leaves his homeland behind him and carries the viewer off into eastern Europe - oft feared, because unknown. The river leads the way through the neighbouring countries of the Slovakian Republic and Hungary to the Croatian capital Osijek, where the first highpoint awaits the protagonist and his crew. The tension and anticipation can be seen in the members of the project.

The dragon of fortune, the storm fairy and the good companions
July 20, 2008

Theodor Storm once said "wanderlust is watching the ships from the beach". So it's only understandable that that the exceptional artist Hubert von Goisern would rather be on one of these ships than mourning after them. Over five episodes he portrays his experiences on his concert tour along the Danube from Vienna to the Black Sea.

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