I Cease Resistance
June 7, 2010 • 45m

1. Floating Chrysanthemums 2. Where Are the Japs? 3. The General's Bluster 4. Typhoon of Steel 5. Divine Wind 6. Assault on Shuri 7. Fallen General

Tightening The Noose
June 7, 2010 • 45m

1. Victory or Defeat 2. Mindoro 3. Go to Manila 4. Operation Mike 5. My Country Kept the Faith 6. Back to Bataan 7. Shimbu Group 8. Shobu Group

War Beneath The Sea
June 7, 2010 • 45m

1. Those Damn Torpedoes 2. Early Operations 3. Blockade 4. Wolfpacks 5. Special Missions 6. Trapped 7. Z-Plan 8. The Rescue

Island Of Death
June 7, 2010 • 45m

1. Operation on Shoestring 2. What Can They Be? 3. Worst Defeat in History 4. Cesspool 5. Eastern Solomons 6. Kill Japs 7. Gung-Ho Marine 8. Attack, Attack, Attack

The Tide Turns
June 7, 2010 • 45m

1. Setting the Trap 2. Fateful Moment 3. Total Confusion 4. The Lost Squadron 5. Inferno 6. The Death of the Yorktown 7. Vindication

The Check Thrust
June 7, 2010 • 45m

1. Operation MO 2. Damned, if Those Are Our Planes 3. Invisible Enemeies 4. Decisive Battle 5. As if Short of Water 6. The Forgotten Front

The Giant Awakes
June 7, 2010 • 45m

1. Battling Bastards 2. Suicide Mission 3. Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo 4. Run Silent Run Deep

Running Wild
June 7, 2010 • 45m

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Attack At Dawn
June 7, 2010 • 45m

1. Climb Mount Niitaka 2. Tora Tora Tora 3. Thieves in the Night 4. Fallen Outposts

Rule The World
June 7, 2010 • 45m

1. Open Door 2. Win First, Fight Later 3. Stroking the Fires For a War 4. The Unfortunate Admiral

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