Ross Mandell’s company Sky Capital has hundreds of employees and investors and he’s living like a king. It’s a huge coup for Mandell who was once known as the Bad Boy of Wall Street, had addiction issues, and run-ins with regulators. Turns out, however, that Mandell is up to his old tricks – and the $140 million raised for Sky Capital goes down the drain in a spiral of greed.
Mutual Benefits buys life insurance policies from aids patients, the chronically ill, and seniors and fraudulently resells them as low risk investments to clients. When medical advances help patients live longer, Mutual Benefits collects new investor money to pay returns. 30,000 people get caught in the $1.25 billion ponzi scheme.
Case 1: “Ferrari” Mike Banuelos steals musical artists’ money and their dreams. His Ferrari lifestyle drives them in the fast lane, but his promotional acumen leaves his investors to crash and burn. Case 2: Former IRS Agent Steven Martinez may seem like a normal accountant, but when he’s caught in a $12 million fraud, he diverts taxpayer money to the ultimate crime…. Murder.
(1) Con man Rodney Hailey runs a fake green energy business and collects millions by scamming major corporations. A fleet of luxury cars that litters the front of his home draws suspicion and leads authorities to the dirty money he makes on clean fuel. (2) Cat burglar Blane Nordahl targets the homes of wealthy individuals across the East Coast, showing an exclusive interest in hallmarked antique silver.