Not The 1UP Show: Bioshock Review, Uwe Boll goes Postal, and Broken Pixels
August 24, 2007 • 31m

Bioshock Review, Uwe Boll goes Postal, and Broken Pixels.

Not The 1UP Show: California Extreme, Madden Review, Tokyo Game Bars
August 17, 2007 • 22m

California Extreme, Madden Review, Tokyo Game Bars.

Mass Effect, BlizzCon, QuakeCon, Everyday Shooter
August 10, 2007 • 46m

Mass Effect, BlizzCon, QuakeCon, Everyday Shooter.

Quake Wars, Dragon Quest Swords, Persona 3, and WolfQuest
August 3, 2007 • 32m

Quake Wars, Dragon Quest Swords, Persona 3, and WolfQuest.

Heavenly Sword, Ratchet & Clank, and Metal Gear Solid 4/MGS Online
July 27, 2007 • 38m

In depth with Heavenly Sword, Ratchet & Clank, and Metal Gear Solid 4/MGS Online.

Not The 1UP Show: Snake Vs. Zombie: Hideo Kojima, Shinji Mikami, and Suda 51
July 20, 2007 • 38m

Snake Vs. Zombie: Hideo Kojima, Shinji Mikami, and Suda 51.

E3 2007 Wrap-up
July 13, 2007 • 18m

Is it over? Is E3 really over? Just about -- but just before they turned off the final monitor and wrapped up the last controller cord.

E3 2007 Day Two
July 12, 2007 • 27m

It's the evening of day two at E3 2007, and Mark MacDonald grabs Jeremy Parish and Shane Bettenhausen to discuss such important topics as Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (Jeremy played a whole hour), and building your own LittleBigPlanet.

E3 2007 Press Conference Review
July 11, 2007 • 17m

Day one of E3 2007 is in the books. Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony did their level bests to wow all of who came out on top?

Gears of War PC Special
July 10, 2007 • 11m

By now, Gears of War fans have heard that the third-person shooter is heading for PCs. We know you have many of the same questions we do.

Soul Calibur IV Special
July 10, 2007 • 16m

Step up on to the stage of history with our resident Soul Calibur experts -- Ryan O'Donnell, Shane Bettenhausen, and James Mielke. They're ready to talk to us about their recent trip to Japan

E3 2007 Predictions Special
July 9, 2007 • 16m

We've all got our theories on what this E3 week will bring. But you know what they say: Theories are like buttholes-some of them are worth more than others.

Stranglehold, Super Stardust HD, and Army of Two
July 6, 2007 • 29m

Stranglehold, Super Stardust HD, and Army of Two

Phantom Hourglass, Contra 4 DS, and Geometry Wars
June 29, 2007 • 30m

The Summer doldrums are coming to an end as E3 bears down on us like a blustery, banana-filled monkey circus. After last week's nigh all PC blitz we run to the low end of the resolution with three Nintendo-specific titles.

Trackmania United, SimCity Societies, and World in Conflict
June 22, 2007 • 31m

It's Friday, are you ready for The 1UP Show? We're managing our way through these summer gaming doldrums with a few games that might not be Halo 3, but are still worth looking at.

The Simcity Societies Special
June 22, 2007 • 18m

The Simcity Societies Special

Dinner with Itagaki, Pac-Man C.E., and Wii DJ
June 15, 2007 • 28m

Pac-mania has struck Ziff Towers. We've all gone mad for a certain little yellow pill-popper. Just what is it about Xbox Live Arcade's Pac-Man Championship Edition that has us back in jelly bracelets and acid-wash? We try to explain...

Not The 1UP Show: Blizzard Roundtable, a trip to the Nintendo Museum and Broken Pixels
June 8, 2007 • 38m

Blizzard Roundtable, a trip to the Nintendo Museum and Broken Pixels.

Blizzard Special
June 8, 2007 • 19m

It doesn't matter if you're a high and mighty Scarab Lord, a lowly level 12 Nelf Hunter, or if you don't play World of WarCraft at all -- you'll want to take a look at our candid chat with the minds behind the incredible force of gaming that is WoW.

Bioshock Special: Inside Irrational Games
June 7, 2007 • 16m

We visited CEO and Creative Director Ken Levine and his crack team of space geniuses at Irrational Games in Boston to get some quality time with their first-person action-horror game, Bioshock

Forza 2, Dirt hands-on, inside WoW's Black Temple, and a visit to BioShock
June 1, 2007 • 32m

We've got something to suit just about any gaming taste in this week's episode of The 1UP Show. First up, our review of Xbox 360's uber-slick and hyper-real racing sim, Forza 2, by our resident wheel-jockeys John Davison, Garnett Lee, and Demian Linn.

Crysis, StarCraft 2, FFT PSP, Ouendan 2
May 25, 2007 • 44m

Our brave, world-hopping James Mielke returns from a dangerous mission into the heart of Korea with footage from the madness that was the StarCraft 2 announcement.

Halo 3 beta, Square-Enix games, and about a dozen PS3/PSP games.
May 18, 2007 • 39m

In Japan, Shane Bettenhausen and James Mielke were on the ground at Square Enix Party 2007, to see approximately a million games seemingly (somehow) all developed by Tetsuya Nomura.

Odin Sphere, Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings...and Team Fortress 2!
May 11, 2007 • 27m

Welcome to Season Six of The 1UP Show! We didn't have one second of downtime during our two weeks off (evidenced by the two episodes of Not The 1UP Show!). We've been prepping and priming for this super summer that starts now.

Not The 1UP Show: A new Broken Pixels, plus Eternal Sonata and Devil May Cry 4
May 4, 2007 • 27m

A new Broken Pixels, plus Eternal Sonata and Devil May Cry 4.

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