The Future of Aging
March 26, 1993 • 57m

Explores generational conflicts, resource needs of a growing population of elders, and the role of technology in improving quality of life for older adults. Experts describe how aging will be different in the twenty-first century.

Societal and Political Aspects of Aging
March 19, 1993 • 57m

Considers individual and governmental responsibilities for the health care and financial support of older citizens. Experts and elders examine the political clout of advocacy groups, older women, and minority elders.

Death, Dying, and Beaeavement
March 12, 1993 • 57m

Discusses the services older people need to deal with dying and death. Elders describe their views on widowhood and management of grief. Experts examine the ethical dilemmas posed by terminal illness.

Illness and Disability
March 5, 1993 • 58m

Examines chronic health problems and availability of supportive services. Older people discuss how they cope with physical and mental illness and face tough decisions regarding institutionalization and costs of long-term care.

Work, Retirement, and Economic Status
February 26, 1993 • 58m

Explores labor force trends, early retirement, and new job opportunities for older workers. Retirees describe community service and leisure activities. Social Security, pensions, and other income sources are discussed.

Family and Intergenerational Relationships
February 19, 1993 • 58m

Profiles older people as spouses and grandparents and looks at how elders help sustain family traditions and culture. Older adults describe the satisfaction and stress of caring for spouses and frail parents.

Social Roles and Relationships in Old Age
February 12, 1993 • 57m

Looks at how family, friendship, work, and leisure roles evolve as we age. Elders discuss coping with role losses resulting from retirement or death of a loved one. The pioneering of new roles is explored.

Intellect, Personality, and Mental Health
February 5, 1993 • 58m

Examines intellectual function and the nature of personality. Gerontologists describe longitudinal and cross-sectional research designs to study intellect and personality over the lifespan. Elders discuss mental health and stress-reduction techniques.

Learning, Memory, and Speed of Behavior
January 29, 1993 • 58m

Explores what happens to our mental capacities as we age. Techniques used to maintain and augment mental functioning are examined. Elders explain why lifelong learning is crucial.

Love, Intimacy, and Sexuality
January 22, 1993 • 57m

Examines the sources of love and affection in old age and describes how aging may affect sexual and reproductive functioning. Older adults discuss their continuing need for companionship, intimacy, love, and sex.

Maximizing Physical Potential of Older Adults
January 15, 1993 • 58m

Considers ways to develop the greatest physical potential in an aging individual while compensating for the effects of aging. Elders describe how lifestyle choices have helped them maintain an active, healthy life.

How the Body Ages
January 8, 1993 • 57m

Experts describe the universal physical changes that accompany aging and explain how deterioration can be prevented. Researchers describe advances in cellular studies and the search for biomarkers of aging.

Myths and Realities of Aging
January 1, 1993 • 58m

The common myths surrounding aging are compared with today's realities. Experts and elders describe how we learn about aging and how knowledge can help us debunk myths.

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