In late December 2011, BBC Two aired a seventh series of Three Men set across the Atlantic in New England, with the first episode airing at 21:00 on 27 December and the second airing the following day. The series followed the three men as they journey along the New England coast to join the birthday party flotilla celebrating the 125th anniversary of the Statue of Liberty. Part of this series was shot in Provincetown, Massachusetts, at the tip of Cape Cod.
Filming took place and was completed in late 2010 for a fifth series, which sees the trio make their way to Scotland. Griff, Rory and Dara attempt to recreate some of James Boswell and Samuel Johnson's journey through the Scottish Highlands and Islands as told in The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, albeit in the opposite direction. They start at the Clyde near Glasgow and try to make their way to the Isle of Harris in time for the fly fishing season. This was broadcast in the post-Christmas period, 2010.
Griff Rhys Jones, Rory McGrath, Dara O'Briain and Loli the dog set out from Kingston to Oxford across the Thames in a wooden skiff, attempting to re-trace the journey of Jerome K. Jerome in his classic 1889 book "Three Men in a Boat" and having some adventures of their own along the way, including entering a race after rowing into the middle of the Wallingford Regatta.