Hoping for a miracle, Kuramochi heads for Antarctica on the Soya. Meanwhile, a snowstorm separates a weakened Riki from the other two dogs.
Shirasaki begs the government to reconsider after it rules that no members of the original Antarctic wintering team will be allowed to join the third.
Shirasaki promises to urge the government to send another wintering team. After returning to Japan, Kuramochi visits the owners of the dogs.
Due to adverse circumstances, the crew of the Soya leave 15 dogs behind at the station. News of the decision deeply upsets the children back home.
Kuramochi, Himuro and Inuzuka struggle to survive in the wilderness four days after the accident. Meanwhile, a search party finds three of their dogs.
Kuramochi announces it is time to climb Botnnuten, but Himuro decides the mission is too dangerous. Kuramochi responds by inviting Himuro to join him.
The 11 men of the wintering team prepare to survive Antarctica’s harsh climate. Inuzuka dozes off and causes an accident with disastrous consequences.
Kuramochi suggests setting up the research base on an island connected to the continent by an ice sheet. Later, he has trouble with the sled dogs.
Vice exploration leader Hoshino asks Shirasaki to allow him and a team of people to spend the winter in Antarctica. The Soya encounters stormy seas.
Hoping to improve his nation’s standing after World World II, geologist Kuramochi pushes for a Japanese expedition to Antarctica but meets resistance.
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