The Incredible Shrinking Creepy Crawlers
March 30, 1996

Shrinking Creepy Crawlers...

Revenge Of The Mutant Stink Bugs
January 20, 1996

Mutant stink bugs are unleashed against the town and the heroes must stop them. It is the second episode to feature Fire Eyes...

Cold Snap

When Googengrime unleashes his cold-weather monster "Ice Scream" on the city, Chris and the Goop-Mandos counter with the heat-infused Goop-Mando "Fire-Eyes"...

January 6, 1996

Googengrime plots to gain control of Goop-Mando strongman T-3, but instead winds up creating T-3's younger brother, the four-headed "T-4"...

November 11, 1995

Googengrime's latest colossal Crime Grime is an animated monster from a wax museum: the rampaging black mantis Bugzilla.

Camp Nightmare
November 4, 1995

Chris wins a trip to a summer camp in an R/C plane-flying contest, but Googengrime turns up to shake down the rich campers...

A Real Numb Skrull
September 30, 1995

Professor Googengrime builds a better monster, and commands the gigantic enforcer to destroy his "former" servant, Spooky Goopy...

Deja Goop
September 23, 1995

Googengrime dabbles in voodoo, placing Hocus Locust under his power, and at odds with the rest of the Goop-Mandos at a visit to an amusement park...

Dawn Of The Super Goop
September 16, 1995

Googengrime's new weapon augments the Goop-Mandos' powers to uncontrollable levels, messing with their self-confidence as well as their color schemes...

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