The evil Alien Barabou disguises himself as Leo's younger brother to retrieve the Ultra Key, meaning the Land of Light and Earth will collide. When "Astra" arrives on Earth, he tells Leo that the Ultra brothers are after him. Will Leo see through his disguise? What will be the fate of the 2 planets?
A bratty kid saves an alien from being entrapped in a pot for skipping Monster school on the condition that he does his homework for him. However, this ends up humiliating him when all the answers are wrong. He then tells the little monster to destroy the school which gets him MAC's bad side. Later, MAC find him and chase him until hs grows giant. All he wants to do is go home. Will he ever?
When a boy and his father pull out a gigantic needle that was stuck in a monster's foot, she repays them by working at their shop while the father's injured. While there, she makes special pinwheels out of her feathers. Unfortunately, these attract the vicious Alien Magma, the very alien that destroyed Leo's home planet, who is determined to kill Rolan after she refuses to marry him. This time, Leo can't let him get away!