Earthquakes and Blizzards
December 10, 2015

Video tests viewers' survival know-how against deadly lightning, wicked winds and high-tides that can trap someone in a sea cave.

Avalanches and Volcanoes
December 3, 2015

Real-life video tests knowledge of exploding glaciers, venomous snakes and ground-crumbling earthquakes.

Surviving Tornadoes
November 26, 2015

Testing your skills against tornadoes tearing through an airport, a gas station and a trailer park; what to do when a tornado towers beside your car; how to survive a brutal twister that rips through a city.

Wildfires and Flash Floods
November 19, 2015

Testing your instincts against blinding snow, suffocating sand and scorching flames; surviving a raging inferno barreling toward your home; escaping your car if caught in a flash flood and sinking fast.

Surviving Animal Attacks
November 19, 2015

What to do when a 7000-pound whale drags you deep into the ocean; how to respond when a raging buffalo charges right at you.

Lightning and High Winds
November 5, 2015

Thrilling video tests your knowledge of ferocious flash floods, perilous summer snow and a parasailing disaster; being struck by a bolt of lightning.

Surviving the Outdoors
October 22, 2015

Real-life video from the great outdoors tests your skills against raging rapids, dangerous bears, and a bug burrowing in your ear.

Hurricanes and Freezing Rain
October 22, 2015

What to do if a hurricane is approaching your hotel; how to respond to a semi sliding straight toward your car.

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