Ryan's career aptitude test reveals that he should be a teacher, so he becomes the student teacher in Ross's class. Ryan accidentally kills Ross's teacher, Mr. Moss, by stabbing him with scissors so he takes over the class. Ross's girlfriend, a twelve-year-old named Kitty, has a crush on Ryan so Ryan has Tiffany pretend to be his girlfriend.
Ryan meets a cute girl named Bitsy Berg. She actually takes a liking to Ryan. The only thing is she is way too perky and can't stop talking in a fast,ditzy tone of voice. Ryan invites her over for dinner. The family can't believe she's so talkative. Ryan gives Bitzy a big smile,while the rest of the family are about ready to kill her. Ryan thinks that ""she could be the one."" But we find out that Ryan was just one of a long list of men she had to sleep with as part of a sorority initiation.