Balitang K is a defunct news and current affairs magazine show in the Philippines, hosted by Korina Sanchez. It aired weekdays on ABS-CBN from 1996 to 2001. This was her show after Magandang Umaga Po ended.
The program is an off-shoot of the Balitang K segment of TV Patrol before its reformat in 1996. TV Patrol was reformated in 1996 because of the success of Mexican telenovela, MariMar. To beef up the ratings of ABS-CBN, Balitang K was launched as a pre-program to TV Patrol. Balitang K aired after the public service program, Hoy Gising!
In 2001, TV Patrol anchor Noli De Castro ran for a senate seat, leaving his anchor's chair vacant. Korina was promoted as Chief Correspondent, and became the anchor of TV Patrol. Kris Aquino took over Korina's hosting job in the reformatted spin-off, Balitang Kris. However, this new program was cancelled due to poor ratings. Kris would resume hosting duties in another reformatted talk show, Kris and Tell.
The concept of Balitang K was reused for another incarnation, Rated K, also hosted by Sanchez.
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