One Thing Becomes Another

A plastic yogurt cup inspires Luna and friends to learn more about recycling.

Pretty Bird

A neighbor's parrot soon has the gang pretending to be pirates at sea.

Roly Poly Fun

The gang learns about the roly poly bug and why it curls up into a ball.


Luna and friends discover what an echo is while walking through a tunnel.


The gang learns about shadows and makes some fun experiments.

Slip-sliding Along

The friends turn into toy cars to experience moving across different surfaces.


A gift from China inspires the kids to learn about silk.

The Wonderful Forest of Chocolate

After learning that chocolate comes from a tree, Luna and friends have to know more.

How old Are You?

Clyde's birthday inspires the gang to figure out how old a tree is.


When they can't find Clyde, the friends find themselves thinking about camouflage.

The Superstar

Luna and friends wonder if the sun is a planet, but they think it's not.

A Dog's Paws

The gang witnesses some strange behavior from Dr. Jane's dog, Snowball.

One Thunder, Two Thunder, Three!

Luna teaches her dad's trick for determining the distance of a storm.

Spinning Webs

After finding webs in the backyard, the friends explore how spiders make them.

Flowers & Fruit

The gang is surprised to learn that oranges start out as flowers.

A Tale of Tails

The kids become critters and ask the question: Why do animals have tails?

Popcorn A-Poppin'

Luna and Jupiter try to determine how a kernel of corn pops into their favorite treat.

Snow Day

A snow day encourages the gang to question what snow is.

Gecko Glue?

A gecko lizard in the kitchen sparks the question of how it sticks to surfaces.

Do Re Me Fa-lute

Jupiter and his friends ask how his new pan flute makes noise.

Great Craters!

Wondering how the moon's "holes" formed, the kids discover craters.

Salt of the Sea

Watching fish at the pet shop, the friends want to know why salt water is salty.

Up, up and Away

The gang turn into hot air balloons to learn how they stay up in the sky.

A Cat's Whiskers

Finding a lost kitten, Luna and Jupiter question why cats have whiskers.

Drawings in the Sky

The gang must become stars in space to learn how to find constellations.

Blowing Bubbles

Luna and Jupiter wonder why bubbles are always round.

The Sinking Grape

A lost orange leads Luna and friends to the concept of flotation.

Reaching the Rainbow

A rainbow inspires the kids to learn more about the "why" behind it.

Nighty Night, Sun

A sunset inspires the gang to find out where the sun goes at night.

A Snail Tale

While playing with a pet snail, Luna wonders what it's like inside her shell.

Flying Lights

The friends become intrigued by lightning bugs.

It All Falls Down

A dropped ice cream cone and Igor's astronaut sticker album makes the gang wonder about gravity.

Wings of a Bird
September 9, 2014

Luna investigates how birds fly after discovering a nest in her garden.

Butterfly Feet
September 8, 2014

Luna and friends notice interesting butterfly habits.

Luna Saurus Rex
September 2, 2014

The gang checks out the zoo's new dinosaur exhibit.

As the Bread Rises
September 1, 2014

Munching on delicious rolls at the bakery, Luna wonders what turns dough into such a fluffy treat.

Ice Giants
August 31, 2014

When Clyde's toy boat sinks, the friends get curious about icebergs.

Shooting Stars
August 30, 2014

The gang sees an amazing backyard sight: a shooting star!

Strong as an Ant
August 29, 2014

Luna and friends discover that ant colonies rely on strength and teamwork.

In Clyde's Eyes
August 28, 2014

Clyde's grooming day gets the gang wondering what the world looks like through an animal's eyes.

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
August 27, 2014

Foggy mirrors in Luna's house get her thinking about condensation.

Luna's Lunar Quest
August 26, 2014

A howling dog and a full moon send Luna and friends to the lunar surface.

How Water Became Rain
August 25, 2014

Luna becomes a water drop to learn how water becomes rain.

That Just Rained Smell
August 24, 2014

To learn about that fresh, just-rained smell, Luna, Jupiter and Clyde become radishes.

The Tale of Kale
August 23, 2014

Luna and friends investigate the mystery of some missing kale.

On the Rings of Saturn
August 21, 2014

After discovering Saturn's rings, Luna and the gang wonder if they can walk on them.

Banana Seeds
August 20, 2014

Luna wants to plant a banana tree, but where are a banana's seeds?

The Waggle Dance
August 19, 2014

After the ballet, Luna notices bees communicating through dance.

Martians, Martians, Martians
August 18, 2014

The gang become robots to explore the surface of the planet Mars.

Twinkle twinkle Little Star
August 17, 2014

It's an interstellar adventure as Luna and friends find out why stars twinkle.

Do Fish drink Water?
August 16, 2014

A day at the beach gets the kids wondering: Do fish drink water?

When Yellow met Blue
August 16, 2014

When she paints a yellow sun on a blue sky, Luna learns how to make the color green.

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