Rakista TV Series is a weekly Filipino television comedy/musical series that centers on the exploits of a newly formed rock band composed of five Filipino college students. The show was first telecast on August 14, 2008, and airs Thursday nights on TV5. It was among the new shows unveiled by the network upon its relaunch on 9 August 2008.
Rakista TV Series was created by filmmaker Quark Henares and Diego Castillo, co-founder and guitarist of the rock band Sandwich. Apart from Henares and Castillo, writers for the show have included music video director King Palisoc, Palanca Award-winning author Yvette Tan and Philippine Star columnist Erwin Romulo. Each episode also features a narration by poet and vocalist for Radioactive Sago Project Lourd de Veyra. Mikey Amistoso of Ciudad and Diego Mapa of Cambio are credited with the original music for the series.
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