Noryang: Deadly Sea
Action History Drama War
Empire of Lust
Romance Drama History
The Treacherous
Drama History Crime
Hansan: Rising Dragon
War Action Drama History
12.12: The Day
Drama History Thriller War Crime
Tae Guk Gi: The Brotherhood of War
Action Adventure Drama History War
The Swordsman
Action Drama History
The Tiger
Action History Adventure Drama
The Admiral: Roaring Currents
War Action Drama History
Lost Flower: Eo Woo-dong
Drama History Thriller
The Warrior
History Drama Action War
Comedy Drama History
War of the Arrows
Drama Action History
Action History Drama Thriller
The Throne
Drama History
The Great Battle
War History Action
1987: When the Day Comes
Drama History Thriller
A Taxi Driver
Action Drama History
Operation Chromite
History Drama War Action
Escape from Mogadishu
War Action Thriller Drama History
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