Família é Tudo
Comedy Soap Action & Adventure
Caribbean Flower
Drama Soap Family Action & Adventure
Irmãos Coragem
Action & Adventure Drama
Blue Building Detectives
Kids Action & Adventure Comedy
Cara e Coragem
Comedy Action & Adventure Soap
A Casa das Sete Mulheres
Action & Adventure Drama
Caminhos do Coração
Soap Sci-Fi & Fantasy Action & Adventure Drama
Mar Salgado
Drama Comedy Action & Adventure
Duarte e C.ª
Comedy Action & Adventure
Luz: The Light of the Heart
Action & Adventure Kids Drama
Turma da Mônica Jovem
Animation Comedy Action & Adventure Family
A Garota da Moto
Action & Adventure Drama
Novo Mundo
Soap Drama Action & Adventure
Drama Soap Action & Adventure Mystery
Escola Fantástica
Comedy Family Action & Adventure
Renegaded Archangel
Drama Action & Adventure
Action & Adventure Drama Mystery War & Politics
Sítio do Picapau Amarelo
Kids Action & Adventure
Campeões e Detectives
Action & Adventure
Treze Dias Longe do Sol
Drama Action & Adventure
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