Hitler's Killer Police
January 11, 2011 • 51m

Details of collaborators in Ukraine and Lithuania are examined.

The Good Collaborators?
January 8, 2011 • 51m

This episode explores the Finnish collaborators, and dispels with the myth that they were the "good collaborators" who were not involved in many war crimes. The Finns negotiated an alliance with one of the most evil regimes the world has ever seen, Nazi Germany, in order to fight the common enemy, communist Russia, but the alliance went far beyond the mere cobelligerency to full scale collaboration. The episode details war crimes committed by the Waffen SS Finish soldiers, and explores the depth of the Finish denial.

The Devil's Due
January 4, 2011 • 51m

AKA The Devil's Due. Greeks who helped the Nazis.

The Dutch Collaborator
January 1, 2011 • 51m

Failed politician Anton Mussert's lust for power leads him to make a pact with the Nazis, going even so far as swearing his allegiance personally to Adolf Hitler. But Hilter turns the tables on Mussert, costing the Dutch people dearly.

The Jews Who Fought for Hitler
October 25, 2011 • 51m

The 1935 Nuremburg Laws, the final solution, and soldiers who are Jewish that were allowed to fight for Germany are discussed.

The Grand Mufti
November 29, 2011 • 51m

AKA Good or Evil. Profiling Mohammad Amin Al-Husayni, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, who enticed Bosnian Muslims to serve in the Waffen-SS.

The IRA Conspiracy
October 25, 2011 • 51m

How the IRA collaborated with the Nazis is examined, which profiles individuals and organizations that knowingly or unwittingly aided the Third Reich.

Vidkun Quisling
November 22, 2011 • 51m

Failed politician Vidkun Quisling cuts a secret deal with the Nazis that he hopes will catapult him to power, only to find himself leader of Norway in name only after Germany invades the country in 1940.

The Croatian Collaborator
November 15, 2011 • 51m

Profiles Dinko Sakic, the so-called "Beast of the Balkans", and the history behind the Jasenovac concentration camp (Jasenovac, Croatia), which, under Sakic's command, became known for brutality that shocked even visiting Nazi officials.

The Belgian Collaborator
January 1, 2011 • 51m

AKA Hitler or Death. The Belgian collaborator Léon Degrelle is profiled.

The Arajs Kommando
January 1, 2011 • 51m

AKA Hitler's Executioner. The crimes of Viktor Arajs, leader of the Arajs Kommando unit, is profiled.

Hitler's Inside Man
October 18, 2011 • 51m

Chaim Mordechaj Rumkowski, a Polish Jew who helped the Nazis, is profiled.

November 22, 2010 • 51m

Profiling French Prime Minister Pierre Laval who helped the Nazi's after England sunk and killed 1,300 french sailors and was later found guilty of treason and hung.

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