Episode 59
November 17, 1987 • 45m

Chih-hao confronts Lang-hsien, who is now at the verge of insanity. As Lang-hsien is about to kill Chih-hao, Tzu-lung comes for the rescue and is himself injured. Tzu-lung recovers from his injury, and is united finally to Shah-shah. Lang-hsien becomes insane, and lives in a psychiatric hospital. All the turmoils, pains, revenge and sufferings have residued in Chih-hao a tranquil mind and a quiet dedication to the upbringing of his son. Hai-min reminise with Chih-hao the night before her departure. It is her last chance to lookback, after the night, she has to set off for her new journey in life. She has grown up, and has paid her price.

Episode 58
November 16, 1987 • 45m

Chih-hao learns that Lang-hsien is again planning to rob his own company to fraud insurance money. He buys the gangsters into being arrested by the police, so that they would help prosecuting Lang-hsien as the Chief culprit. Hai-min is distressed to see Chih-hao getting so desparate for revenge. She plans to migrate to Switzerland with her mother. Tzu-feng reconciles with her father,-and decides to go abroad to study. Lang-hsien holds Chih-hao's son hostage and demands to see Chih-hao alone.

Episode 57
November 13, 1987 • 45m

Kuo-wei blackmails Lang-hsien with the accounts book. He plans to escape with Tzu-feng after getting the money. During the transaction, Lang-hsien kills Kuo-wei. In great despair and agony, Tzu-feng seeks divorce with Lang-hsien. Chih-hao vows to avenge on Lang-hsien. He lets the follower of Gangster Yung learn about Lang-hsien’s betrayal in the last transaction. The two agree to collaborate on a plan to ruin Lang-hsien.

Episode 56
November 12, 1987 • 45m

Lang-hsien frequently meets with Chia-yu, in order to arouse the jealousy of Chih-hao. He threatened Chia-yu of revealing the rape to Chih-hao. Chia-yu gives birth to a baby boy, and Chih-hao is annoyed by the fact that it's Lang-hsien who accompanies his wife to the hospital. Finding the situation unbearable, Chia-yu gathers up her courage to reveal everything to Chih-hao. Furious with rage, Chih-hao goes to find Lang-hsien. Chia-yu rushes to the scene and is knocked to death by a car.

Episode 55
November 11, 1987 • 44m

Tsung-chi decides to help Hai-min revenge on Lang-hsien. He tries to win his trust in order to gather criminal evidence against him. Lang-hsien is aware of Tsung-chi’s contrival and decides to play him and Gangster Yung against each other. He reaches a deal for both sides on some robbed jewellries. Then, he alerts the police details about their transactions. Gangster Yung sees the police and thinks that Tsung-chi has betrayed him. Guns are shot. Gangster Yung dies, and Tsung-chi is fatally wounded. Hai-min learns of the plot and rushes to the hospital. Tsung-chi dies peacefully in her embrace.

Episode 54
November 10, 1987 • 45m

Hsiu-fang willingly sells her properties to help Chih-hao in this financial crisis. Lang-hsien rebukes Hsiu-fang for doing so. Despaired, Hsiu-fang moves out of the house and come to stay with Chih-hao. Lang-hsien runs a jewellery company and gets many staffers from Fu Lin. Tzu-lung angrily beats up Lang-hsien and Chih-hao is forced to apologize to him. Tsung-chi overhears the talk between Chih-hao and Hai-min and realizes that she has always been faithful. He feels so ashamed of having made her move out of the home.

Episode 53
November 9, 1987 • 46m

The police starts investigating into Fu Lin on selling booty. Chih-hao gives statement about what he knows, but Lang-hsien slyly evades any accusation. The businesses of Fu Lin drops hugely because of the scandal. Encouraged by Chia-yu, Chih-hao is determined to live through the difficulties. Hai-min learns that Lang-hsien is the indirect murderer of her father during the Fu Lin robbery. She asks Tsung-chi to join hands with Chih-hao against Lang-hsien’s evil plans. Tsung-chi refuses strictly, because he thinks that Hai-min’s love for Chih-hao has revived.

Episode 52
November 6, 1987 • 45m

After investigation, Chih-hao learns that Kuo-wei sells booty under Fu Lin's name. From Kuo-wei, he is shocked to learn that Lang-hsien is the boss. Shu-mei pleads with Chih-hao to let go of Kuo-wei, which Chih-hao finds difficult to refuse. Kuo-wei threatens Lang-hsien to help him escape. Before he leaves, he tells Tzu-feng about their deeds and asks her to keep the accounts books against Lang-hsien. Lang-hsien and Gangster Kung resort to killing Feng Zhao and Kuo-wei to destroy evidences. Feng dies, and Kuo-wei falls into the sea and disappears.

Episode 51
November 5, 1987 • 44m

Lang-hsien remains silent about the love affair between his wife and Kuo-wei. Raged with envy, he drives carelessly, causing Tzu-feng to miscarry the baby. A Thai businessman Mr Chiu comes to Hong Kong to negotiate deals with Chih-hao, who finds the future of Fu Lin promising. Gangster Yung learns of the deal and goes with two followers to rob Mr Chiu. Chih-hao is alert and brave enough to stop them. The gangsters escape. Cihih-hao begins to be aware of problems in Fu Lin.

Episode 50
November 4, 1987 • 44m

Chih-hao is grateful to Lang-hsien for taking Shu-mei to the hospital. Feng Zhao is a replacement of Feng Sin in handling the marketing section. He discovers the illegal deal between Lang-hsien and Yung, and is threatened by them to join. Lang-hsien overhears Kuo-wei talking to Tzu-feng arguing about the baby being his. He is shocked with rage.

Episode 49
November 3, 1987 • 46m

Lang-hsien learns with envy about Chia-yu’s pregnancy. He pays her a visit with the excuse of congratulating her. Chia-yu is distressed seeing him. Gangster Yung reaches a deal with Lang-hsien to equally shave the benefits from selling booty under Fu Lin's name. Tzu-feng becomes upset when Kuo-wei hangs around her too often. She tries hard to work out with Lang-hsien and succeeds. Shu-mei faints at Pu Lin where she intends to see Chih-hao.

Episode 48
November 2, 1987 • 45m

Tsung-chi suffers paralysis after a serious car accident. He becomes bad-tempered and suspicious. Thinking that Hai-min would desert him and go back to Chih-hao, he tortures her. On the other side, Chih-hao's concern for Hai-min has aroused Chia-yu’s suspicion. Thinking that Chih-hao has loved Hai-min all this time, she decides to take abortion and withdraw from the triangle. Chih-hao discovers it in time to stop her, and declares his total devotion to her. Tsung-chi wants to kill himself, and is stopped by Hai-min. Hai-min comforts him and swears that she would never see Chih-hao again.

Episode 47
October 30, 1987 • 45m

Tzu-lung has no choice but let his son be taken care of by Shu-mei and Chia-yu. Shan-shan, missing her son, picks him up after school and spends an afternoon with him. It causes a panic to Shu-mei and Chia-yu who are only relieved later when seeing them back. Lang-hsien is upset being controlled more and more by Gangster Yung. But he can do nothing about it. Lang-hsien and Tzu-feng get in frequent rows. Tzu-feng turns to Kuo-wei for comforts. Tsung-chi and Hai-min suddenly return to Hong Kong. To everyone's dismay, Tsung-chi has become paralysed.

Episode 46
October 29, 1987 • 45m

Hai-min suddenly feels sick at Chih-hao's wedding feast. Chih-hao becomes so anxious that Chia-yu finds it disquieting. Chia-yu’s parents are able to reconcile with each other after the feast. Tzu-lung discovers that Shan-shan has become a dancing mistress in a nightclub. He begs her to come back to him, but is refused. Gangster Yung gets Lang-hsien to co-operate with him. Lang-hsien would arrange for Yung's two followers to work in Pu Lin, where they could secretly work on remoulding the robbed jewellries. Tsung-chi has to leave for Singapore on establishing a branch hotel there. Hai-min decides to go with him.

Episode 45
October 28, 1987 • 45m

Chih-hao is deeply touched that Hai-min has sacrificed her love for his sake. He proposes to Chia-yu to postpone their marriage. Lang-hsien mistakens the postponement to have relation with his assault towards Chia-yu. He proposes to divorce with Tzu-feng to marry her. Rebuked by Chia-yu, he vents his anger towards Tzu-feng. The frustrated Tzu-feng seeks comforts from Kuo-wei, and resumes their past intimacy. Hai-min still loves Chih-hao, but she understands how deeply Tsung-chi loves her. She finally resolves to stay by the side of Tsungi-chi. Chia-yu decides to take a vocation to England. At this point, Chih-hao realizes how important Chia-yu has become to him. He pours out his heart to her. They start preparing for their wedding.

Episode 44
October 27, 1987 • 45m

Lang-hsien fakes remorse and is finally allowed to go back to Fu Lin. Later on, he is able to recommend Kuo-wei to work on the computerization of the company. Tzu-lung comes across Shan-shan shopping with a man in the street. He has not forgotten about her, and is griefed to see her falling so low. Hai-min helps Chia-yu get prepared for the wedding with Chih-hao. She overworks and faints. Only then in the hospital that Chih-hao and Chia-yu learn about Hai-min’s cancer.

Episode 43
October 26, 1987 • 45m

Under strong persuasion from Tsung-chi and Shu-mei, Chih-hao finally agrees to accept most of the properties that Pai-chin has left him in his will. Chih-hao buys a big house for the family, but Kuo-wei refuses to move in. Tsung-chi is dissuaded from sueing Lang-hsien and Kuo-wei for fraudulence against the company. The two are merely dismissed. Chih-hao takes over Fu Lin and faces great pressures. Encouraged by Chia-yu, he is determined to run the company properly.

Episode 42
October 23, 1987 • 46m

Not wanting the frail Pai-chin to receive a guilty verdict, Hsiu-fang reveals to Chih-hao his background, hoping that he would withdraw from the witness stand. Pai-chin is overwhelmed to learn that Chih-hao is his son. He seeks reconciliation and reunion with him, but is grievous that Chih-hao feels adversely towards him. He has his will changed, and is gratified that Chih-hao finally calls him father at his deathbed.

Episode 41
October 22, 1987 • 45m

Chih-hao is thrown into great sorrow at the death of Shao-hu. He then learns from one of the robbers that the robbery is contrived by the boss of the jewellry shop. Chih-hao believes it to be Pai-chin and reports the crime to the police. The police succeeds in retrieving the robbed jewelries in Pai-chin's boat. Pai-chin realizes the culprit is Lang-hsien. Not wanting to see him penalized, he keeps the truth to himself. During the hearing, Chih-hao serves as the witness against Pai-chin, the defendant. Shu-mei reconizes Hsin-fang to be the good friend of Chih-hao's mother.

Episode 40
October 21, 1987 • 44m

Chih-hao learns the marriage news of Lang-hsien and Tzu-fang and feels free now to accept Chia-yu. Chia-yu painfully reveals the rape to him. Chih-hao is shocked with dismay but willingly accepts her. Financially desperate, Lang-hsien agrees to collaborate with gangster Yung to rob his own jewelry shop. The robbery takes place on the same day as Lang-hsiems wedding feast. During the robbery, Chih-hao and Shao-hu happen to walk by. Shao-hu is fatally shot.

Episode 39
October 20, 1987 • 45m

Chia-yu confides in Hai-min about the rape, without revealing who the rapist is. After a while, Lang-hsien seeks Chia-yu for repentance, and proposes marriage to her. Coldly refused by her, Lang-hsien rashly asks the hands of Tzu-fang. Lang-hsien has to cover up inadequate funds for his movie investment. He collaborates with Kuo-wei to produce fake accounts for Royal Hotel. Tsung-chi becomes suspicious. As Lang-hsien needs more money, he turns to Fu Lin Gold and Jewelries Company. Hai-min observes Chia-yu’s love for Chih-hao. She encourages Chih-hao to accept her love.

Episode 38
October 19, 1987 • 45m

Lang-hsien’s pride is hurt when Chia-yu proposes a break-up. To vent his anger, he gets drunk and badly beats up Chih-hao. Chia-yu has by now developed deep affection for Chih-hao. Not wanting to hurt Lang-hsien, Chih-hao refuses her love. Tzu-fang takes advantage of Lang-hsien’s love crisis and offers to be his mistress. Her mother Wen-ping is greatly distressed. Lang-hsien begs to be reconciled with Chia-yu. At her refusal, he savagely rapes her.

Episode 37
October 16, 1987 • 44m

Pai-chin is displeased that Royal Garden's cleaning job is sub-contracted to Chih-hao’s company, through Tsung-chi. Lang-hsien adds fuel to the fire with the aim to replace Tsung-chi as the financial director. Tsung-chi handles the crisis competently, to the disappointment of Lang- hsien. Chia-yu finds Lang-hsien's misdeeds increasingly intolerable. She proposes a break-up.

Episode 36
October 15, 1987 • 45m

Hsiu-fang is worried that Pai-chin may learn the truth. She confides in Lang-hsien, who assures her that he would handle the matter. Lang-hsien seeks the help from rung of the underworld to beat up Chin-tang. Hsiu-fang makes up another story saying to Pai-chin that Yu-lien dies of miscarriage. Pai-chin is upset that Hsiu-fang has deceived him. Chia-yu shows great concern when Chih-hao is accidentally injured during work. Lang-hsien learns it and rebukes her. Their relationship deteriorates. In his loneliness, Lang-hsien seeks physical comforts from Tzu-fang. Tzu-fang discovers with dismay that she is used by Lang-hsien as a sex object to vent his frustration.

Episode 35
October 14, 1987 • 45m

Hai-min is saved by Tsung-chi who successfully dissuades her from ending her own life. As time goes by, Hai-min becomes touched by his earnest love and agrees to marry him. Pai-chin is back from his trip. At first, he is displeased that Lang-hsien has invested in movie production without his approval. Soon, he is pacified to see Lang-hsien has his businesses well under control. Shao-hu is displeased that Hai-min marries Tsung-chi. Chih-hao learns of their marriage with bitter sadness. Hsiu-fang has hidden the suicide of Pai-chin's original girlfriend Yu-lien from Pai-chin all these years. She has made up a story saying that Yu-lien has eloped with a man called Chin-tang. Now, Chin-tang is back to Hong Kong and he blackmails Hsiu-fang for money.

Episode 34
October 13, 1987 • 45m

The depressed Chia-yu comes by Chih-hao and feels relieved talking to him. Her mother Tien Kuei further her studies overseas, and she sees her off at the airport sadly. Hai-min is troubled by Shao-hu's suspicion that she has sexual relations with Tsung-chi. She devotes entirely in her work to earn money so that her mother can live on it after her death. Chih-hao's cleaning company is growing steadily. Chih-hao holds a celebration party. Hai-min attends and is coldly treated by Chih-Hao. In great despair, Hai-min contemplates suicide.

Episode 33
October 12, 1987 • 43m

Hai-min's operation is a success. She stays in Tsung-chi's country villa to recover. Tsieh Te-hsing has high regards for Chih-hao. He decides to let Chih-hao handles all the clearing jobs of his companies. Chih-hao then starts his own cleaning company. Tzu-hung is furious to see Shah-shah going to the movie with a man. In his anger, he proposes divorce. Shan-shan doesn't return home and Tzu-lung is in deep remorse. Lang-hsien’s new movie is quite a hit. The press begins to gossip about his relations with Tzu-feng. For the sake of publicity, he does not deny it. Chia-yu is greatly upset over the dispute between her parents. Tien Kuei is leaving Hong Kong for advanced studies overseas, and her father strongly objects. She seeks in vain for the comforts of Lang-hsien, who is too busy in his work.

Episode 32
October 9, 1987 • 43m

Touched by Chia-yu’s sincerity, Chih-hao decides to forget about the past and starts anew. Shu-mei is greatly relieved. Hai-min learns about Chih-hao's change with mixed feelings. Pai-chin relinquishes all the businesses to Lang-hsien during his trip. In great excitement, Lang-hsien invests on a movie casting Tzu-feng as the main actress. Tzu-feng, having new hopes and new targets, proposes to break up with Kuo-wei. Tsieh Te-hsing, the landlord of Chih-hao, comes back to Hong Kong. Through Chia-yu, he meets Chih-hao again. Hai-min has to receive operation. She draws up her will and goes to see Chih-hao. Coldly treated by him, she leaves in silent tears. In her great loneliness, she calls up Tsung-chi, who rushes to the hospital to comfort her.

Episode 31
October 8, 1987 • 44m

Having broken up with Hai-min, Chih-hao indulges in his work in order to forget his sorrows. Shu-mei is worried about Chih-hao's tacturnity. Chia-yu tries in vain to soothe him of his sorrows. Wen-ping seeks chances to reconcile with Tsung-chi but in vain. She vents out her frustration by dating with Cliff. Tsung-chi witnesses their intimacy and breaks up with her. Tzu-feng becomes famous after shooting a commercial for Lang-hsien. She observes the cold attitude of Chia-yu towards Lang-hsien and seeks chances to be near him. Chia-yu mistakens Chih-hao to be committing suicide and risks great danger to save him. Chih-hao in deeply touched.

Episode 30
October 7, 1987 • 44m

Hai-min turns hostile towards Chih-hao hoping he would give up. But Chih-hao is positive about their future and willingly accommodates her whims. Wen-ping furiously reveals the affair of Tsung-chi and Hai-min to the press. Tsung-chi finds this act silly and immature. He leans on Hai-min more. Hai-min pretends to be devoted to Tsung-chi so that Chih-hao would withdraw. She feels bad for having caused Tsung-Chi and Wen-ping's relation to deteriorate. To end Chih-hao's hopes, Hai-min humiliates him and his state of poverty. Chih-hao is totally heart-broken.

Episode 29
October 6, 1987 • 45m

Hai-min is shocked with grief to learn that she has cancer. She spends time in Macau to avoid Chih-hao. In Macau, she meets Tsung-chi and Wen-ping. By chance, Tsung-chi learns about her sickness. He is nice and kind to her, which highly annoys Wen-ping. Hai-min changes her mind and continues running her design company. She has made up her mind as how to handle her relationship with Chih-hao. Lang-hsien tries with success to entertain Pai-chin, who decides to give him 10% shares of Royal Hotel.

Episode 28
October 5, 1987 • 44m

Tien Kuei talks to Chia-yu about carefully choosing her husband. She advises her to think over clearly about Lang-hsien’s proposal. Lang-hsien does not lose heart at Chia-yu’s refusal. He would wait patiently for her to change her mind. Shu-chin is discomforted to see Chih-hao and Hai-min getting together again. On the other hand, Shao-hu has great confidence for Chih-hao. Tzu-lung is upset that Shan-shan often go out with other men. In order to satisfy Shan-shan in money terms, he co-operates with Su Ting and Shao-hu to prate video tapes. Chih-hao gets promoted. He spends the vocation with Hai-min in Macau. Hai-min feels sick. The doctor suspects that she has intestine cancer.

Episode 27
October 2, 1987 • 44m

Hai-min seeks advice from Chia-yu over her love crisis with Chih-hao. She is torn between her career and Chih-hao, and does not know what to do. Shu-mei is worried over their discrepancy while Shu-chin rejoices quietly over it. After fierce struggles, Hai-min decides to give up her career. Lang-hsien sets up a trap and secures evidence against Chi-kang. He reports the case to the Government, which meets the disapproval of Tsung-chi. Tsung-chi stays in his way of replacing Chi-kang, and he is greatly antagonised. Chi-kang begs to be given a chance, but is bluntly refused by Lang-hsien. Chia-yu finds his severity discomforting. When Lang-hsien proposes marriage to her, she refuses.

Episode 26
October 1, 1987 • 45m

With the money she earns by furnishing Tsung-chi’s house, Hai-min is able to buy her boss company. Everyone congratulates her on the open ceremony. Chih-hao is troubled by an acute sense of inferiority. Kuo-wei discovers that Chi-kang produces fake accounts for his own benefits. He refuses to be bribed by him and reports the whole case to Lang-hsien. Chih-hao has a cleaning job to do at Fu Lin. He unintentionally breaks an expensive Chandelier. Pai-chin is furious in thinking that Chih-hao breaks it on purpose. Chih-hao seeks the comforts of Hai-min, only to feel worse at her indulgence in work. In his state of drunk, he proposes breaking up with Hai-min.

Episode 25
September 30, 1987 • 45m

Chih-hao and Hai-min agrees to postpone their marriage for one year. Hai-min's boss is migrating. She wants to buy his company but doesn't have enough money. A wine account originally handled by Connie is shifted to Tzu-feng. The envious Connie comes to know of Tzu-feng's background and have it made known to the press. Tzu-feng is too ashamed to go to work. Wen-ping secures the help from Tsung-chi to handle the matter. Tzu-feng is grateful towards Hen-ping's help. Kuo-wei is dissatisfied with Tzu-feng flirting around with colleagues. He stops one colleague from forcing a kiss on Tzu-feng, who is not thankful.

Episode 24
September 29, 1987 • 45m

Tzu-feng is hostile to Wen-ping. She deliberately acts in ways to distress her. Hai-min and Chia-yu try to mediate the quarrel between Chih-hao and Lang-hsien. Chia-yu is highly disappointed to Lang-hsien's unwillingness to make up the quarrel with Chih-hao. Cheng-ping grumbles often of Tien Kuei's work in the hospital. To avoid him, Tien moves in the room of Chia-yu, who is in a difficult position witnessing her parents’ cold war. Shu-chin is upset to hear rumors from her neighbors about her relationship with Shao-hu. She insists that Shao-hu comes back home in alternate days. Shao-hu agrees, and clarify his relationship with Shu-chin's neighbours. Kent humiliates Chih-hao when seeing him work as a cleaning worker. Hai-min learns the story. To show her support, she proposes marriage to Chih-hao. But on the day of registration, she is so busy that she forgets. Chih-hao is disappointed.

Episode 23
September 28, 1987 • 45m

Tzu-lung finally succeeds in persuading Shan-shan to quit her job at the nightclub. Tsung-chi invites Hai-min to work on the renovation of Royal Hotel. Because of his sincerity, Hai-min finally agrees. Chih-hao and Tzu-lung start working in a cleaning company. They have to put up with their superior Ah Han, who is arrogant and bossy. Tzu-feng joins a beauty contest. She has Hai-min agree to be her nominator, and fakes her family background. Kuo-wei vows his support, so as not disappoint her. Chao Ping is furious over Tzu-feng for joining the contest. Coming out of his way to stop her, he meets his ex-wife Hen-ping. Wen-ping comes to know that Tzu-feng is her daughter. Tzu-feng does not win any prizes. Kuo-wei recommends her to work in Royal Hotel as PR Officer. At first, Chao Ping objects, not wanting his daughter to be near wen-ping. Finally, he concedes for the sake of Tzu-feng's future.

Episode 22
September 25, 1987 • 45m

Hai-min encourages the dejected Chih-hao. At the same time, she is worried over Chih-hao's state of unemployment. Chia-yu is upset at Lang-hsien’s distrust towards Chih-hao. To pacify her, Lang-hsien tries to be polite to Chih-hao. Tzu-lung owes debts of twenty thousand dollars. As he is unable to repay, Shan-shan is forced to work as dancing mistress. Later on, even the debts is paid, Shan-shan refuses to quit. Chih-hao tries in vain to talk her out from doing it. Both Tzu-lung and Chih-hao are beaten up for intervening the nightclub's business.

Episode 21
September 24, 1987 • 45m

Pai-chin invites Chih-hao and his family to a feast to thank him for his help. He offers to give him one hundred thousand dollars, but Chih-hao refuses to accept. Hsiu-fang relates to Lang-hsien her discovery about Chih-hao's background. Lang-hsien advises her to gather specific evidence before revealing the story to Pai-chin. A small fire in the hotel causes Pai-chin to reprimand Lang-hsien fiercely in front of Chih-hao. Lang-hsien begins to feel the importance of Chih-hao. He then persuades Hsiu-fang to keep Chih-hao's birth a secret. Tzu-lung and Shan-shan starts another fight in a restaurant. Chih-hao mediates their quarrel. Tzu-lung has Chih-hao share a table with Ah Pui and his gang. At this point, the police come to arrest Ah Piu, and Chih-hao is arrested too. Pai-chin suspects Chih-hao is involved in the kidnap. Lang-hsien adds fuel to the burning fire, so that Pai-chin decides to suspend Chih-hao's employment.… ...

Episode 20
September 23, 1987 • 45m

Pai-chin observes Chi-hao's patience in fishing and becomes more impressed with his character. Tzu-lung does not want Shan-shan to work as casual artiste for TV Station. In order to earn more money, he starts moonlighting in a gambling den operated by Ah Hung, through Ah Piu. Ah Piu and his gang kidnap Pai-chin for five million ransom. Lang-hsien wants to call the police, but is stopped by Hsiu-fang. Ah Piu instructed that the money be handed over to them by Chih-hao. Risking great danger, Chih-hao rescues Pai-chin, but is himself injured. Pai-chin is more impressed with Chih-hao. Hsiu-fang comes to be aware of Chih-hao's relationship with Shu-mei and suspects Chih-hao is the son of Pai-chin.

Episode 19
September 22, 1987 • 45m

Chih-hao turns the security guards into a highly-disciplined and efficient unit. His performance gains official recognition. With the help of Chih-hao, Kuo-wei gets admitted to the Account Department of Royal Hotel. Kuo-wei proposes to Tzu-feng. Not wanting to get stuck in a married life, Tzu-feng refuses. Hai-min gains reputation as an outstanding designer after her successful house design for a celebrity. She becomes overwhelmed by loads of work and neglects Chih-hao. Chih-hao finds himself achieving far less than Hai-min and feels inferior.

Episode 18
September 21, 1987 • 46m

Shao-hu recovers from his leg injuries. Two years roll by, Shao-hu becomes a taxi-driver. Tzu-lung gets in frequent rows with Shan-shan. Hai-min gets promoted. Chia-yu dates with Lang-hsien, not too enthusiastically. Chih-hao is promoted the head of the security section. In fighting for the benefits of his-subordinates, Chih-hao gets in conflict with accountant Liao Chi-kang. Liao’s office is robbed. He puts the blame on Chih-hao. Finding himself at fault, Chih-hao requests to be replaced as the section head. Lang-hsien refuses. Wen-ping does not get along with Kent, and decides to accept Tsung-chi's invitation to work in Royal Hotel. Tzu-feng is bored with the hard lite studying in Japan. Kuo-wei receives her back to Hong Kong. Lang-hsien holds a barbecue party in his house. While Lang-hsien and Hai-min enjoy the social talks, Chih-hao and Chia-yu prefer to chat quietly in a corner.

Episode 17
September 18, 1987 • 45m

Chih-hao comes in time to save Chia-yu's life, which meets appraisal from Pai-chin. The security guards remain hostile to Chih-hao. They pick at his mistakes and even threaten to strike. Lang-hsien and Ho Te succeed to mediate the rivalries. Tien Kuei acquires a medical license to work in the hospital, despite her husband Cheng Ping's objection. At the same time, she encourages Chia-yu to walk out from her shell and meet the world. Chia-yu finally gets her father‘s approval to do voluntary work in a women's association. Lang-hsien begins to pursue Chia-yu. At first, their relationship meets vehement objection from her father. Tsung-chi stands by then and succeeds in persuading Cheng Ping to let them try out. Shao-hu’s leg injuries worsen, but he refuses to be treated. Hai-min seeks help from Tien Kuei who readily agrees to use acupuncture to treat his wounds.

Episode 16
September 17, 1987 • 46m

Tsung-chi flies back on learning his son, I-jen's death, Wen-ping moves into his villa to soothe him of the shocking pain. Chia-yu is kept in the dark of I-jen's death. She is thus shocked when his Singapore girlfriend accuses her of causing I-jen's death. The girl even resorts to kill Chia-yu to avenge for I-jen. She points a gun at her. Shao-hu is injured during one of his morning walks. Pai-chin's car happens to pass by. He generously agrees to take Shao-hu to the hospital. Chih-hao is thankful to him. Pai-chin finds him a fine and pious young man. Shao-hu refuses to be treated in the hospital. He ignores the others advice and sneaks out of the hospital.

Episode 15
September 16, 1987 • 45m

Chih-hao is injured, but he keeps quiet on the attack. He is promoted the head of the security group. He tries in vain to improve his relationship with the other guards. Jealous of Chih-hao's success, Choi and Shek make scratches on his second-hand car. Hai-min suggests taking the two to the police, but Chih-hao let them go. Wen-ping plans a trip to Greece. She subtly invites Tsung-chi to join her, but is refused. To her joyous surprise, Tsung-chi is waiting for her on the plane. I-jen's meniac girlfriend from Singapore comes to Hong Kong. Shocked in learning that I-jen is get married, she tries ever dirty means to stop the marriage. Because of her, I-jen gets fatally injured in a car accident.

Episode 14
September 15, 1987 • 45m

Tien Kuei, objects to Chia-yu managing I-jen and gets in conflict with Cheng Ping. Hai-min is asked by I-jen to furnish his new home. She comes to be impressed by the ingenous Chia-yu. The two becomes good friends. An incident leads Shu-chin to change her bad impressions towards Chih-hao. She buys a faulty electronic appliance from a shop and gets into a row with the shop assistants. Chih-hao walks past and helps her claim her rights. Through Shan-shan, the hotel comes to know the indecent businesses run by the security guards. Chih-chao is mistaken to be the cause, and is ambushed.

Episode 13
September 14, 1987 • 46m

Hai-min decides to get married with Chih-hao at once, out of indignation towards her mother, Shu-min. But Chih-hao objects. They decide on a three-year plan to get themselves well-established before getting married. Kuo-wei and Tzu-feng makes up their quarrel, though Tzu-feng still has great yearnings for Lang-hsien. Chih-hao discovers that his colleagues Choi and Tak pimp in the hotel. To prevent troubles, he promises to keep the secret. Lang-hsien proposes to start from a-lower position in order to please his father Pai-chin. He becomes the front-door manager, which Pai-chin appreciates a lot. I-jen is threatened by his pregnant girl friend in Taiwan for marriage. He has no choice but to break up with Chia-yu. Chia-yu learns the news from Lang-hsien and is suprisingly calm. Lang-hsien becomes hopeful. l-jen discovers that his Taiwanese girlfriend is not pregnant. He rushes back to Hong Kong and seeks forgiveness from Chia-yu.… ...

Episode 12
September 11, 1987 • 44m

Kuo-wei is particularly hostile to Shu-chin, believing that her presence has caused his studies to be disrupted. Hai-min moves out with Shu-chin to avoid further clashes. Tzu-feng is attracted by Lang-hsien and tries to avoid Kuo-wei. Frustrated. Kuo-wei insults the two openly, which ends the love affair between himself and Tzu-feng. The sophisticated Wen-ping gets acquainted with mature Tsung-chi. Both find the other charming. Shu-chin is hysterical learning that Hai-min is going together with Chih-hao. She tries every means to force Chih-hao to leave Hai-min. Fed up with her absurdities over this issue, Hai-min gets in a row with Shu-chin.

Episode 11
September 10, 1987 • 46m

Pai-chin reprimands Lang-hsien for his wilfulness. I-jen tries in vain to mediate the quarrel. Lang-hsien cannot forget Chia-yu. Yet he has to painfully restrain himself from declaring his love. On Pai-chin's birthday. Lang-hsien moves back home and reconcile with Pai-chin. Pai-chin agrees to let him work in Royal Hotel. Shu-chin feels more committed to Shu-mei’s family. To relieve their-burden, she helps Shui-mei work on some crafts to earn money. Chih-hao causes a minor scratch to Pai-chin's car. Chih-hao insists on compensating him for his loss. Pai-chin sees him now in a different light. Chih-hao acquires the post of security guard in Royal Hotel. When his colleagues learn that he is a friend of Lang-hsien, they become cold and in cooperative. Lang-hsien and Chihehao lie with good intention to a guest of the hotel. At first, Pai-chin is upset at their dishonesty.… ...

Episode 10
September 9, 1987 • 45m

Tzu-feng stars in the production of the advertisement. But the account is won over by Manlix. Chin-hao thinks the fault lies in his losing the proposal. He seeks resignation but is refused by Lang-hsien. Lang-hsien learns from Wen-ping the dirty trick Kent has played on Chih-hao, and at once kicks him out of the company. Kent leaves the company and some staffers follow him, causing a headache to Lang-hsien. When Tzu-feng shows keen interests to join the company, he gladly accepts. Lang Nien suffers from the bankruptcy of its main account. Together with big faults that Kent has made, Lang-hsien is forced to close down Lang Nien. Chin-hao and Lang-Hsien come across Kent in the street. They beat him up, and all the three are taken to the police station. After her son's birth, Shan-shan hands him to her mother in Macau. Chao Ping is furious over this. The two starts another dispute.

Episode 9
September 8, 1987 • 45m

Learning Chih-hao's financial plight, Tzu-lung and Tzu-feng lend him all their savings. Shu-mei receives a letter from Kuo-wei asking for school fees of $30,000. The desperate Su-ting gambles on the building's management money and loses. He even has to repay a high-rated loan of $30,000. Lang-hsien lends Chih-hao $50,000, which is barely enough to cover Su's loan and Kuo-wei's school fees. Selfish Shu-chin suggests selling the flat and splitting the household, which causes further unrest in the family. Shu-chin suffers from ulcer, and Shu-mei nurses her attentively. Shu-chin is touched and turns hostility into gratitude. Lang-hsien recommends Chih-hao to work in his company Lang Nien, so as to ease his financial burden. Kent, Lang-hsien's partner, is hostile to Chih-hao, and tries to make life difficult for him. Lang Nien is competing with Manlix for a chocolate account. The proposal is put in a confidential envelop.… ...

Episode 8
September 7, 1987 • 45m

Lang-hsien listens to Chin-hao’s advice and waits patiently for his plea. Pal-chin comes to realize that his financial support may help Lang-hsien start his own career. Lang-hsien starts making preparations for his new advertising agency. Hai-min observes Chih-hao's affection for her. She tricks him into revealing it. Both are gratified at the revelation. Chih-hao is notified by the Landlord on increasing the rent of Fu Chi by 70%.Chih-hao approaches the landlord pleading with him to reduce the increase rates, but to no avail. Hai-min tries to reason out with the landlord, and witnesses an accident happening to the landlords workers. Hai-min and Chih-hao help with the rescue. Touched by their sense of righteousness, the landlord agrees to a 10% increase only. Chih-hao applies a high-interest loan in order to handle a big business order. Unfortunately, a fire set to the whore house spreads to Fu Chi.… ...

Episode 7
September 4, 1987 • 46m

Hia-min decides to stay on, though finding Chih-hao’s acute advice difficult to swallow. On one occasion, Chih-hao causes Hai-min to fail in her duty. Reprimanded by her boss, Hai-min angrily resigns. Chih-hao feels guilty and asks Tzu-lung to apologize for him. Tzu-lung’s clumsy mediation only worsens the situation. Shu-chin accuses Chih-hao and Shu-mei for their evil intentions. Embarrassed by her mother’s unjust accusations, Hai-min reconciles with Chih-hao. In her new job Hai-min gets to know a fine young man. Chih-hao sees the two together and becomes jealous. Shu-mei is worried that a newly-operated whore house above their shop may affect their businesses. Shu-chin takes this chance to jeer at the depressed Shu-mei. Luckily, with the hardwork of Chi-hao, their businesses steadily grow. Shan-shan becomes jealous to see Tzu-lung serving the female customers rather too enthusiastically.… ...

Episode 6
September 3, 1987 • 45m

Shao-hu is wounded trying to save Chih-hao. Shu-chin and Hai-min have nowhere to go but stay in Shu-mei’s house. Shu-mei is worried of the wounded and dejected Shao-hu, and at the same time has to endure Shu-chin's harsh words. Chih-hao has very limited capital for his retail garment shop. I-jen, friend of Lang-hsien, offers, great help. Chih-hao obtains from him low-price garments. Later on, when his shop faces closure, he gets allowance for delayed payments. Lang-hsien works enthusiastically on a promotion campaign proposal for Royal Hotel. The proposal is finally rejected by Pai-chin, which frustrates Lang-hsien greatly. Hai-min decides that she has enough of her mean boss and wants to resign. Chih-hao warns her against it, for it may cause serious money problems in her family. Hai-min takes the rebuke with mixed feelings.

Episode 5
September 2, 1987 • 44m

Finding what she suspects is true, Hai-min throws despiteful words at Shu-mei, and is slapped by Shao-hu. Chih-hao attempts to mediate the quarrel, but to no avail. Hai-min is hesitant whether.to reveal the secret to Shu-chin, who may find it too much a blow. Later on, she understands better Shao-hu's difficult situation and decides to keep the secret. Lang-hsien starts working for Manlix Advertising Company, and encounters frustration in his first assignment. His superior, Chang Wen-ping, is notorious among the staff for her cold and strict personality. But when he gets to know her better, he finds her intelligent and competent. On the other hand, Wen-ping finds Lang-hsien a smart associate too. Shu-chin is hystenical learning the love affair between Shao-hu and Shuemei. She moves out with Haiemin to live in a hotel. Shao-hu suffers great loss from his speculations.… ...

Episode 4
September 1, 1987 • 46m

Lang-hsien gets acquainted with Chu Chia-yu and falls for her. He woos her, but with little success. His good friend Che I-jen declares his engagement. Lang-hsien is astonished to discover that his fiancee is Chia-yu. Through Chin-hao. Su Ting becomes the watchman of the building where Chih-hao lives. Both Shao-hu and Shu-mei are delighted. Lang-hsien has prepared a proposal on a promotional campaign for Fu Lin Gold and Jewelleries Company’s Silver Anniversary. The proposal.is rejected by Pai-chin. Feeling.unfulfil1ed, Lang-hsien resigns from his post, to the distress of his mother, Hsiu-fang. Shao-hu invests on land properties, with the help of Chih-hao and Tzu-lung. They make a good start, and celebrate their success at home. In the meantime, Hai-min has observed the unusual relation between Shu-mei and Shao-hut. She decides to make a sudden visit to their house.

Episode 3
August 31, 1987 • 45m

Kuo-wei reveals with shame his father Su Ting's past to Tzu-feng, after they come face-to-face with him in the street. To his gratitude, Tzu-feng shows no adverse feelings. Hai-min unintentionally wounds Shu-mei, who insists reporting it to the police. When told by Chih-hao of the identity of Hai-min, she changes her mind. Yu Shan-shan conceiving a baby of Chao Tzu-lung. The two get married, encouraged by Hai-min and Chih-hao. Chih-hao then discovers that Tzu-feng doesn't come-from a rich family, and relates it to Kuo-wei. Unexpectedly, this enables Kuo-wei and Tzu-feng to better sympathize with each other. Kuo-wei returns to Britain for his studies. Su Ting commits traffic offence as he dashes to see him off in the airport, resulting in.the suspension of his driving license. Touched. Kuo-wei reconciles with his father. Shao-hu observes that Chih-hao and Hai-min are getting more intimate.… ...

Episode 2
August 28, 1987 • 47m

Chih-hao and Hai-min combine to overpower the madman, but Hai-min having been humiliated complains against him. On learning that Hai-min is Chao-hu‘s daughter, Chin-hao treats her in a different light. Chih-hao visits Su-ting on drug rehabilitation in jail. Su Ting, ashamed to meet him, reprimands himself and Chih-hao comforts him. While still planning the wedding, Chih-hao is in great agony to find that his lover Chuan, being dissatisfied with his lack of ambition, has decided to leave him. Chih-hao pours out his bitterness to Lang-hsien. He indulges in drinking, and gets arrested-for smashing public property while drunk. Pai-chin hears of this and rushes with his business partner Che Tsung-chi to bail him out. Indignant over his behaviour, Pai-chin rebukes Lang-hsien strongly. Su Kuo-wei returns to Hong Kong on vacation. Supercilious of his own higher educational standards, he looks down on Shao-hu and Chih-hao.… ...

Episode 1
August 27, 1987 • 46m

Shen Yu-lien hands over the illegitimate son Shen Chih-hao she had with Tu Pai-chin to her neighbor Chen Shu-mei for custody, then plunges down a building to kill herself. Hearing of this, Yen Hsiu-fang rushes to the scene, but influenced by sister, she refuses to adopt Chih-hao and hides the truth from Pia-chin. In dire circumstances due to her husband Su Ting being addicted, Shui-mei can’t help sending Chih-hao to an orphanage. Chih-hao gets acquainted with Li Kuo-tung in the orphanage. The two become good friends and take care of each other. Childless, Hsiu-fang decides to adopt an orphan. She first sets her eyes on Chih-hao in the orphanage. Not wanting to disappoint his friend Kuo-tung, Chih-hao deliberately engages in a fight to arouse her discontent. Finally, Hisu-fang does adopt Kuo-tung, and brings him home, changing his name to Tu Lang-hsien.… ...

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