Major Buford who fought for the south ties his herd in with Rowdy's. He does this so he can cross Duke Aberdeen's land. Duke was a POW in a Confederate prison, and won't let Buford cattle cross his land. The major's son Court hates anything Yankee. Union forces burned the Buford mansion in Virginia, and soon after Mrs. Buford died. Duke sends out phoney stock inspectors that claim many of the cattle are someone else's.
Rowdy must convince a young widow to allow the herd on her land to protect it from the a norther. She is involved in the suffragette movement. The saloon owner will do anything to stop women from getting the vote. The drovers are allowed to vote if they stick around. The saloon owner buys their votes, but Rowdy has second thoghts.
Colonel Emilio Vasquez ""buys"" 200 head from Quince, Jed and Simon in Mexico. Jed goes to town to see if the pesos are worth anything. The gringo who runs the town says they're just paper. Emilio's wife, Maria, was left behind and is in the bar. Emilio sneaks into town and kills the gringo, but doesn't get Maria. Jed escapes with Maria. Jed and Emilio argue over the terms of her return.
Mr. Fletcher offers Rowdy $6,000 to get 1500 head to Bent Fork in six weeks or less. There is a penalty of $30 for each head that doesn't make it. Lash Whitcomb, one of Fletcher's men is going along as Segundo (#2 man). Lash and Rowdy disagree on which trail to take. Rowdy checks his out. It leads to a box canyon. Rowdy's horse hits a chuckhole and he is thrown and breaks some ribs. Rowdy tells Lash to take over. Ten miles and three days from Bent Fork, Sheriff John Keeley, says there is a sixty day quarantine on Texas cattle.
Morgan Kane and his son Jethro hang two drifters who killed his son, Vance. Morgan kills Peters and seriously wounds Ian who tried to stop it. Rowdy takes Ian to Regis for medical attention. He tries unsuccessfully to get the law to investigate Peter's killing. Sheriff Blaine says the drifters broke Vance's neck. Blaine is blackmailing Jethro. The coroner's inquest finds the Kane's innocent. Rowdy tells Morgan he's taking him and his son to Wichita for a fair trial.