Episode 10
May 18, 1987 • 42m

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Episode 9
May 15, 1987 • 43m

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Episode 8
May 14, 1987 • 44m

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Episode 7
May 13, 1987 • 44m

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Episode 6
May 12, 1987 • 44m

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Episode 5
May 11, 1987 • 42m

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Episode 4
May 8, 1987 • 43m

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Episode 3
May 7, 1987 • 44m

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Episode 2
May 6, 1987 • 44m

Like his father, YUEN does not enjoy being emperor too. He always speaks in favour of the PRINCESS with the hope that YUI may pass her the throne. Nevertheless, YUI does not like her and insists to pass the throne to him. The PRINCESS has not yet given in after all these fruitless attempts. Now, she turns to encourage YUEN to indulge in wine and women.

Episode 1
May 5, 1987 • 44m

The old EMPEROR YUI does not enjoy being emperor, and is always anxious to pass his throne on. On the other hand, his sister the PRINCESS OF PEACE is always covetous in being the EMPRESS. She is an ambitious and deep person. She works closely with the EMPEROR and has successfully established good relationships with all the senior officials. YUI plans to pass his throne to his son, the PRINCE YUEN, his natural successor. But before crowning, YUEN has to be under observation for three months. The PRINCESS plots to defame YUEN. Yet, unexpectedly, all her conspiracies turn out to be tools assisting the PRINCE to build up his image as a wise and fair emperor.

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