Shandala mourns for the loss of her adopted brother. Oran finds himself alive and in strange new territory. Raimi walks him through what has happened to him thus far, and how it all ties into Biocom.
Kamimura ponders his past as a young priest leading the order of a Buddhist monastery. In the present, he finds himself roaming the lonely crime-ridden streets of Coast City. Meanwhile, Raimi seeks answers from Oran.
Raimi is confronted by the truth that his paranoid delusions are real, and that he's part of a plot to outfit a covert military branch with a dark device.
Gabriel confronts Shandala after hearing his men scream in terror and flee from her. Two racist lieutenants abuse Oran. Kamimura travels to Coast City. Raimi prepares for a project.
Oran walks delirious through the desert. Raimi recovers from his seizure. Kamimura awakens to find himself in the back of a strange man's truck. Shandala awaits the arrival of a mysterious man from the West.