The final florists create celebratory signature bouquets before transforming empty rooms into vibrant, flower-filled spaces that tell a story stunning enough to snag the life-changing $100,000 grand prize.
Rose-centric chandeliers give each florist the chance to light up the competition before bold artistic visions see ordinary tree trunks turned into trees fit for a whimsical forest.
Two scrumptious challenges find the florists working with fresh fruits, veggies, and of course, flowers to create Baroque-inspired arrangements and larger-than-life cakes.
The nine remaining contestants attempt to defy gravity with floral illusions suspended in midair before tackling a daunting, fashion-forward team challenge.
Ten fabulous up-and-coming florists attempt to create flowing botanical waterfalls before the top two contestants lead their teams in a larger-than-life group challenge: "painting" gigantic canvasses with flowers.