Show #165

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Show #164

We don't have an overview translated in English.

Show #163
January 28, 2006

Jeffrey Friedman: Rockfeller University , MD, PHD, a moleculargenetist whose discovery of the hormone leptin and its role in regulating body weight has changed our understanding of the causes of human obesity, has recieved two prestigious awards for this work: the Gairdner Foundation International Award and the Passano Foundation Award.

Show #162
January 14, 2006

John Ibbitson author of "The Polite Revolution"/Maude Barlow, author of "Too Close for Comfort" disagree about challenges facing Canada

Show #161
January 14, 2006

Yossi Klein Halevi lectures on "The View From Israel"

Show #160
January 7, 2006

A showcase of ideas; engaging, articulate speakers stand behind lecterns across the province addressing audiences, exposing us to the differing ways of defining what matters and how that affects our understanding of the world.

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