
With so many animals sharing the planet, someone is bound to get bitten sooner or later. Mosquitoes cause millions of deaths a year, and vampire bats live off of animal blood. The Komodo dragon kills with saliva so toxic that it kills in just a few days. Mosquito bites result in millions of human deaths each year. When we share the planet with animals, we're bound to get bit sooner or later. But which animals are the most extreme biters? Snakes also take their toll on human lives; but the vampire bat actually lives off the blood of other animals — even us! The Komodo dragon has saliva so toxic with bacteria, it just bites it's prey and waits for it to die of infection a few days later. Tune into this top ten countdown to find out which animal is the Most Extreme Biter on earth!


If you think humans will go to great lengths to find love, wait to you see what mating means in the animal world! Love is definitely in the air with these true lovebirds and ...spiders?! Which will overtake the others?


Come to grips with the strongest animals on Earth! The gorilla can lift ten times it's own body weight, but, pound for pound, the African crowned eagle carries more than a cargo plane. Meet the top ten in most extreme strength. Come to grips with the strongest animals on earth! Which animals can take down prey much bigger than themselves, or carry weights ten times heavier than their own? The strongest humans can lift about 3 times their own body weight, but the average gorilla can lift 10 times it's own body weight! And, pound for pound, the African Crowned Eagle can carry more than a cargo plane, because it can fly carrying up to 4 times it's own weight. Something that would keep a cargo plane grounded. But which animal has the Most Extreme Strength? Find out on this top ten countdown.


When it comes to sorting out some of the toughest problems, animals may just have an advantage over humans. Bees tell other members of the hive where food is by doing a special dance and octopus are able to sort out complex problems on their own. We humans think we're smart, but when it comes to sorting out some of the toughest problems, animals may just have an advantage over us. Bees tell other members of the hive where food is by doing a special dance that relays distance and direction. Octopus have the ability to sort out complex problems on their own. And there are several animals that show a sense of self-awareness when given a mirror to gaze at themselves in. Find out which animal is the Most Extreme Thinker on this top ten countdown.

September 8, 2002

Creatures with sharp teeth and long claws make the skin crawl. Why does the eerie howl in the night send shivers up the spine? How did the movie ""Jaws"" prey on our imaginations to keep us out of the ocean? Find out which animals are the most gruesome. They emerge from our deepest nightmares — horrors of the animal world. Which animals scare us the most and why? With their sharp teeth and long claws, these animals are the stuff of legends. We used to compete with wolves for food, and the stakes were high. Is that why we still fear that eerie howl we hear in the night? The movie Jaws scared many beach goers out of the water — and we can hardly take a dip in the ocean without thinking about the Great White. But which animal is the scariest, the most gruesome, the Most Extreme Horror? Find out on this top ten countdown!


We call our buildings skyscrapers, but when it comes to construction the really high rises can be found in the animal kingdom. Take a look at the top ten animal architects and compare them with our own attempts to build our way into the record books. We call our buildings skyscrapers, but when it comes to construction the really high rises can be found in the animal kingdom. Take a look at the top ten animal architects and compare them with our own attempts to build our way into the record books. Spiders are capable of building intricate webs that in some cases, can stop a bird mid-flight! Bower birds build incredible straw structures and ornately decorate them to impress a female. Prairie dog homes may not seem impressive from the outside, but their underground tunnels can extend for miles and be like small cities. Find out which animals are the Most Extreme Builders in this top ten countdown.

August 25, 2002

Which animals are the most extreme fighters? The bombardier beetle squirts out boiling hot acidic liquid which quickly neutralizes any attack. Praying Mantids are effective fighters that they have a method of martial arts named after them. Wars rage in the animal world, too. Which animals are the Most Extreme Fighters? Creatures so aggressive, they can hardly stand the sight of their own kind. These animals are equipped with some of the fiercest fighting tools. The bombardier beetle combines chemicals in his rear end and can squirt out boiling hot acidic liquid which quickly neutralizes any attack. Gargantuan elephant seals launch full frontal attacks using their large tusks, leaving each contender battered and bloody and the winner gets the female! Praying Mantids are such effective fighters, there is a method of martial arts modeled after them. Find out who are the best of the best on this top ten countdown of the Most Extreme animals on earth.


Humans have long pushed themselves to explore extreme environments but which animals are the most extreme survivors? Camels can go days without water in the blazing desert and cockroaches have been known to survive heavy doses of radiation and poison. Humans have long pushed themselves to explore extreme environments whether attempting to climb Mount Everest or dive deeper into the ocean. But some animals can survive in these extreme conditions all on their own. Camels can go days without water in the blazing desert. Cockroaches have been known to survive heavy doses of radiation and poison. Which animals are the Most Extreme Survivors? Find out in this top 10 countdown of The Most Extreme.


Nobody likes a cheater but in the natural world it's the cheaters that get ahead of the game. Animals use camouflage and false signals to lure prey close so they can move in for the kill. Nobody likes a cheater, but in the natural world it's the cheaters that get ahead of the game. Animals use camouflage and false signals to lure prey close so they can move in for the kill. Snapping turtles wiggle a little appendage that looks just like a tasty worm but when a fish tries to have a taste — SLAM! The turtles mouth snaps shut and dinner is served. The cuckoo lays its egg in another bird's nest. When the baby is born, it works at expelling all the other babies, and duping the parents into thinking it is their own. Who's got the best poker face? Find out in this top ten countdown of the Most Extreme Cheaters.


Some animals are extreme in the amount of young they can produce, while others create some of the biggest babies on earth! Join Animal Planet for a countdown to the most extreme births from the Tasmanian Devil to the Kiwi. Labor can be a painful ordeal for many women, but some of the real miracles of birth take place in the animal world. Some animals are extreme in the amount of young they can produce, while others create some of the biggest babies on earth! The Tasmanian Devil gives birth to about 50 tiny babies at a time, but only the 4 that find her milk supply will survive. The kiwi lays an egg about 25 percent of it's total weight! That would be like a human having a 30 pound baby. Find out which animals are the Most Extreme in this top ten countdown.


At 60 mph, the cheetah is fast, but watch these other speedy creatures fly! The basilisk lizard runs so fast that it can walk on water and the ostrich is just about the fastest animal on two legs. Meet the most extreme of the speedsters. A cheetah can run at almost 60 miles per hour. But is it the fastest animal on earth? The basilisk lizard runs so fast that it can walk on water. And while the ostrich will never fly, it's just about the fastest thing on two legs. This countdown will reveal the Most Extreme of the Speedsters!


Some animals are so greedy that they put pigs to shame. Tiger sharks swim around with just about anything in their stomachs and the Tasmanian Devil can swallow 40 percent of its body weight in a half-hour. That's like eating 216 hamburgers for lunch! We all know pigs are pigs. But are they really the worst gluttons on earth? There are other animals that are so greedy they put the pig to shame — The Tiger Shark has been found with a vast array of things in it's stomach — seems like it will eat just about anything. The Tasmanian Devil can swallow up to 40 percent of its body weight in only 30 minutes — that would be like a human devouring 216 hamburgers during a half-hour lunch break. Seems like a pig isn't such a pig after all and this countdown reveals the greediest of them all.

July 7, 2002

Meet animals with jumping power that can put NBA pros to shame. Sure, rabbits can hop, but the klipspringer can out-jump any bunny. Prepare to be amazed as little-known creatures rise to the top of the list when it comes to jumping ability. We humans think we can jump our basketball players and gymnasts prove that. But we've got nothing on the animal world. Rabbits are known for their hopping, but the klipspringer can out-jump any bunny. But which is the Most Extreme Jumper? This countdown will reveal the winner.

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