Part 2
February 11, 2009

Bestselling author Terry Pratchett has early onset Alzheimer's disease. And he wants Alzheimer's to be sorry that it ever caught him. In the second of this two-part series, Terry confronts his future living with the disease. He travels to America to witness first-hand how they are coping with the 'tsunami of Alzheimer's', and meets the unlikely doctor who stumbled across a controversial new treatment that he claims produces remarkable results in minutes.

Part 1
February 4, 2009

Best-selling author Terry Pratchett has early onset Alzheimer's, a disease he is prepared to tackle head-on. In the first of a two-part series, Terry confronts living with his uncertain future and facing a world ultimately without words. Following Terry's progress through his first year with Alzheimer's, this programme explores some cutting-edge science and weird treatments to reveal what it is like to be diagnosed with this terrifying illness.

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