In this mini-series written and produced by Grand Corps Malade and Mehdi Idir, the young actors of the film "La Vie scolaire" recount, in a quirky way, significant moments in history, often little known by the young generation.
In this mini-series written and produced by Grand Corps Malade and Mehdi Idir, the young actors of the film "La Vie scolaire" recount, in a quirky way, significant moments in history, often little known by the young generation.
In this mini-series written and produced by Grand Corps Malade and Mehdi Idir, the young actors of the film "La Vie scolaire" recount, in a quirky way, significant moments in history, often little known by the young generation.
In this mini-series written and produced by Grand Corps Malade and Mehdi Idir, the young actors of the film "La Vie scolaire" recount, in a quirky way, significant moments in history, often little known by the young generation.
In this mini-series written and produced by Grand Corps Malade and Mehdi Idir, the young actors of the film "La Vie scolaire" recount, in a quirky way, significant moments in history, often little known by the young generation.
In this mini-series written and produced by Grand Corps Malade and Mehdi Idir, the young actors of the film "La Vie scolaire" recount, in a quirky way, significant moments in history, often little known by the young generation.
In this mini-series written and produced by Grand Corps Malade and Mehdi Idir, the young actors of the film "La Vie scolaire" recount, in a quirky way, significant moments in history, often little known by the young generation.
In this mini-series written and produced by Grand Corps Malade and Mehdi Idir, the young actors of the film "La Vie scolaire" recount, in a quirky way, significant moments in history, often little known by the young generation.
In this mini-series written and produced by Grand Corps Malade and Mehdi Idir, the young actors of the film "La Vie scolaire" recount, in a quirky way, significant moments in history, often little known by the young generation.
In this mini-series written and produced by Grand Corps Malade and Mehdi Idir, the young actors of the film "La Vie scolaire" recount, in a quirky way, significant moments in history, often little known by the young generation.
In this mini-series written and produced by Grand Corps Malade and Mehdi Idir, the young actors of the film "La Vie scolaire" recount, in a quirky way, significant moments in history, often little known by the young generation.
In this mini-series written and produced by Grand Corps Malade and Mehdi Idir, the young actors of the film "La Vie scolaire" recount, in a quirky way, significant moments in history, often little known by the young generation.