Battle Of The Brains
July 25, 2020

The boys infiltrate Roy Philip's house in order to gather evidence to prove their innocence. Aside from Roy Philip, they also have to deal with their broken relationships with their girlfriends.

Smart Five
July 18, 2020

The boys join the "University Teen Idol" to get the grand prize which is an all-expense-paid road trip. Their performance makes them popular and they immediately let fame into their heads.

Good Time Turned Bad Time
July 11, 2020

Uncle Jacks brings the boys to a massage parlor that offers a "special service" and the boys have no idea what happens in there. They hesitate but eventually enjoy it. But Roy Philip prepares an ugly surprise.

Getting There
July 4, 2020

Everything is going smoothly for the boys but Charles is still in the friend zone. Then he learns that Amanda dumps her suitor.

Fight For Love
June 27, 2020

Uncle Jacks and the boys encourage Charles to fight for Amanda. Everyone gathers at the coffee shop for Stacey's gig and has a good time except for Charles. When he walks out to get some air, he witnesses something about Amanda's boyfriend.

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not
June 20, 2020

Uncle Jacks teaches the boys his so-called "five effective ways to get the girl." The boys get closer to the girls they like as the days pass by. They finally see a ray of hope but Charles receives devastating news.

In The Club
June 13, 2020

Galileo realizes that he also suffers from his own symptoms and agrees to undergo the same changes. When all five boys are transformed, Uncle Jacks brings them to a club for practice. But Roy Philip, with his robot assistant Roboto, has a plan.

The Love Doctor
June 6, 2020

Uncle Jacks has become the boys’ mentor. Isaac, Charles, Albert, and Alexander go through physical training at the gym followed by a fashion makeover while Galileo thinks he can handle it on his own.

If Symptoms Persist
May 30, 2020

The five young geniuses do an on-ground experiment and find out that the symptoms only occur when they are around the girls they like. They decide to use another scientific method but Roy Philip sabotages them. The geniuses are in dire need of help.

Genius Problem
May 23, 2020

A group of young geniuses: Isaac, Charles, Albert, Alexander, and Galileo realize that they are losers when it comes to love. They decide to solve their love problems with the use of Science. But their ex-friend Roy Philip has vowed to make their lives miserable.

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