Episode 12
April 10, 2020 • 15m

The election debate is here. Justus' answers are incomprehensible, but Atlas even makes the sour politician shrug. Everyone gets to know who won the debate.

Episode 11
April 10, 2020 • 15m

The Mini-Turk reveals that there is a video showing Dharampreet on the toilet, everyone gets upset and the Mini-Turk thinks he is going to die.

Episode 10
April 3, 2020 • 15m

Someone has taped over Atlas campaign posters and the Mini Turk thinks their lives are in danger. Sarah-Li behaves strangely.

Episode 9
April 3, 2020 • 15m

The school arranges a crisis meeting where the school nurse demonstrates what burns look like. The principal makes his own video, "reading in front of an audience".

Episode 8
March 27, 2020 • 15m

Justus has made another waffling clip, filmed in the principal's room. Atlas, Sarah-Li and the mni-Turk have a crisis meeting. They have to compete with Justus.

Episode 7
March 27, 2020 • 15m

Atlas holds its first campaign speech in the school corridor by using the juice incident to his advantage. Vibes grow between Atlas and Sarah-Li.

Episode 6
March 20, 2020 • 15m

Sarah-Li signs up as Atlas' campaign manager. He thinks she is both smart, good-looking and cool. They're starting to plan Atlas' campaign.

Episode 5
March 20, 2020 • 15m

Atlas hides in the computer room, where the very unpleasant Helmer works. He is nominated for the school board election, but Justus is also nominated.

Episode 4
March 13, 2020 • 15m

Are there pills for mouth diarrhea? Atlas is really ashamed in front of the whole school, why can he not just shut up and not chat when he gets nervous.

Episode 3
March 13, 2020 • 15m

Atlas learns that he will receive a diploma for saving the Mini-Turk from the diabetes attack and Justus is now a mega-celebrity.

Episode 2
March 6, 2020 • 15m

The mini-Turk gets a diabetes attack, Atlas saves him by giving him juice, but is then spit on.

Episode 1
March 6, 2020 • 15m

Atlas (14) will start eighth grade without his best friend Elliot. There are a couple of new types in the class and Justus' "waffling on a train" video goes viral

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