The Zit
November 1, 2010

Horace has been nurturing a festering pimple on his chin for weeks. He could not be more pleased with his creation and proceeds to squeeze the contents out in a garish display of vulgarity.

The Balls
October 25, 2010

Horace has converted his vacuum cleaner into a gyrating ball-shooting contraption and thinks it would be pretty funny if he were in the line of fire! OUCH!

The Belly Dance
October 18, 2010

Horace belly dances to the scintillating Arabic beat in an attempt to woo the very thing he loves the most...a quadruple Decker beef burger!

The Bounce
October 11, 2010

Horace is bouncing vigorously on his mini tramp, performing his finest acrobatic maneuvers. His last jump, however, is a touch over zealous, and sees him shooting past the treetops with one less item of clothing! Wear a belt next time Horace!

The Burp
October 4, 2010

Horace slurps up a super size cup of fizzy drink, and as if he were the conductor and performer in his own disgusting orchestra, releases the mother ship of burps.

The Fall
September 27, 2010

Horace is armed with a bevy of iced donuts, when collides and trips over a tiny snail. All attempts to save the donuts are lost, but he is not left empty mouthed! Cruuuunch! Was that the snail?

The Workout
September 20, 2010

Horace loves to exercise to 80's music. He shows us his best moves including the infamous "The erupting bottom". Shake that booty Horace!

The Fart
September 13, 2010

Horace has eaten several dozen cans of Aunty Franz Baked Beans. Horace has built up enough gas to blow his chair from one side of the room to the other.

The Nose Pick
September 6, 2010

Horace is sad because he's all out of food. However, in sniffing up his grief, he realizes he has a storehouse of food residing up his nose! YUCK!

The Jog
August 30, 2010

Horace wants to be just like his hero Arnie Schwarzenpigger and sets his electronic treadmill to SUPER FAST! Horace cannot keep up the pace, and lands face first on the treadmill. CRUNCH!

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