Several people across the US are found dead or in a coma. The only connection is Metabathin, a diet pill. While Taft's investigation can find nothing wrong with Metabathin, Cassian's team uncovers a stock manipulation scheme when someone from the company leaks information that causes the public to panic.
Dr. Brian Taft, a neuropathologist, is enlisted by Cassian to help investigate the death of a LA fireman. After being exposed to a meteorite, the fireman grew fatal brain tumors and developed homicidal madness. Cassian fears the same may be happening to anyone exposed to this meteorite, including the scientists examining it.
The team removes a capsule from the head of an old man. This leads to the shocking discovery of white supremacists in the CIA and occultism in the Third Reich. During the operation, security is compromised, and the team fights to save the old man's life and to protect the contents of the capsule from someone who wants it at any cost.