Les and Paul enjoy a stay at Kevin’s “From The Wild” camp in the boreal forest in Northern Alberta. Les introduces Paul to techniques of harvesting wild black currants while secretly gathering some additional undisclosed foraged flavors. After the ingredient reveal Paul gets to work with a new twist on a classic mixed grill.
Chef Paul and Les visit a community farm jam-packed with harvesting options for expert forager Les, including honey from a large colony of bees. Paul is inspired by the spirit of the farm and creates brunch dishes with a combination of wild and domestic ingredients, designed to easily feed a community of helping hands.
Showing that you need never travel farther than your own driveway expert forager Les Stroud takes a short walk and comes back to Chef Paul Rogalski with a delicate selection of gentle greens. Dodging massive lightening storms, Les and Paul work together on Stroud’s own deck to create the perfect wild harvest to compliment barbecued rib eye steak.
After a lucky find of a wild turkey in pristine condition expert forager Les Stroud heads out with a local mycologist to gather one of the worlds most sought after mushrooms; Matsutake aka “Pine Mushrooms”. Returning with an armload of mushrooms Les sits back and lets Chef Paul Rogalski blow his culinary mind with a simple dish of mushrooms on toast followed by the best turkey Stroud has ever tasted.
The milkweed plant is the natural life-sustaining domain of the monarch butterfly larvae who choose this wildflower as the only species to develop and grow upon. Sustainably harvested it also represents a wonderful broccoli like vegetable for Chef Paul Rogalski to experiment with. A short walk from expert forager Les Stroud’s own cottage, on the edge of the local gravel pit a prolific bounty awaits for our wild harvesters.
Just a short drive from the city of Edmonton, Alberta expert forager Les Stroud and Chef Paul Rogalski find themselves experiencing the natural life cycles of horsetail, and fireweed right where they grow. Add to this the bounty of dandelion and cattail and you have the makings of a delicious wild harvest!