At The End Of The Line
March 14, 1983 • 25m

Ian and John Coll presents the final programme in the seriew which looks at the use of computers for communications via networking, telephone and electronic mail.

Moving Pictures
March 7, 1983 • 25m

In the ninth programme of the series, Ian who with the help of Ian Trackman, Software Consultant, investigates the extent to which the personal micro-computer can be used for computer graphics and animation.

Everything Under Control
February 28, 1983 • 25m

In the eighth programme of the series, Ian examines a variety of micro-computer controlled device applications, from a sophisticated mechanical hand for disabled people to robot vehicles.

Sounds Interesting
February 21, 1983 • 25m

Ian presents a studio based programme on micro computers, with David Ellis he looks at sound generation both simple and sophisticated and examines elements of a music editor then looks at other languages than Basic.

Getting Down To Business
February 14, 1983 • 25m

Ian introducess this programme which looks at the application of the micro-computer in small businesses.

Keeping A Record
February 7, 1983 • 25m

Ian presents a programme looking at the fundamental principles behind the idea of a database and begins his explanation in the BBC Gramophone Library amongst a million records.

Introducing Graphics
January 31, 1983 • 25m

Ian looks at the graphics versatility of modern micro-computers with the help of John Coll.

Strings And Things
January 24, 1983 • 25m

Ian presents the third programme in the series about micro-computers and how to use them. Today Ian looks at how computers handle words, "string" handling, word processing and at the techniques of good and bad programming.

Getting Down to BASIC
January 17, 1983 • 25m

Ian presents the second programme in the series on using micro computers; intros computer language of BASIC and with aid of children at Queen Junior Schooll Richmond, explains how BASIC is structured by writing a simple program

The Versatile Machine
January 10, 1983 • 25m

In the first programme in the series, Ian shows how versatile the modern micro computer is. Richard Gomm suffers from cerebral palsy and uses micro to lead a fuller life - including getting a PhD in Philosophy. Bruce Banks Sails Ltd: Ian rep from Southampton on a firm which produces sails for yachts, designing them by micro. Looks at valve computer they used to use, which was installed in the late "50"s. Ian demos new micro computer and holds up what has replaced the valve computer between his finger & thumb. Ian and John Coll talk thru a demo he gives with BBC Micro, explaining peripherals & how to load the program. Ian is superimposed on enlarged inside of a BBC Micro look-ing at varioud parts of the computer & explaining what they are there and how they work (eg memory chips).

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