Damned By Oil
March 6, 2023

The investigation begins in Iraq, in the oil fields which extend from Nahr Umar to Halfaya. Black gold is a sensitive subject, a notorious source of conflict throughout Iraq’s recent history. This region is as rich as it is dangerous. We meet local people who are convinced that pollution from flares at the oil refineries is responsible for a rise in illness, including breathing difficulties and childhood cancer. The site is vital for Iraq. It supplies energy to more than half the country.

Forever Chemicals
October 31, 2022

Many factories around the world use perfluorinated chemicals to make everyday products. Due to their chemical stability, these compounds are “forever chemicals” They do not break down. Even worse, they can build up inside the human body and cause health problems, including cancer, and compromise the immune system. Companies have routinely dismissed campaigners who insist that cancer cases have risen close tofactories which use perfluorinated chemicals. They claim that only small amounts of chemicals are released into the environment. Our investigation proves that they are wrong.

Children Of Lead
October 3, 2022

From Peru, where the mineral is extracted, all the way to France, where the metal is refined, lead pollutes the earth, the rivers, food supplies, and local people. Despite being banned in numerous products including fuel, paints and the manufacture of pipes, lead is still often used in buildings, weapon development, jewellery and even in batteries. At Évin-Malmaison, France, lead from refineries has contaminated the earth underneath various schools, stadiums, parks and gardens. The farmers of the area can no longer feed their population, because their produce is too contaminated by this lead. It has become the most polluted area in France, and there are thousands of victims. Many children of the area have lead-poisoning and, as a result, serious neurological problems.

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