June 5, 2010

Jonathan Ross hosts a live debate between musicians, disc jockeys and comedians on who should be crowned the best singer, guitarist and drummer in rock history and which band was the best ever. The public get to decide.

The Band
May 29, 2010

A no-holds barred romp through the classic shared journey that rock 'n' roll bands take

The Other One
May 22, 2010

Music stars discuss the member of a rock band who often gets taken for granted.

The Drummer
May 15, 2010

Music stars discuss the role of the drummer in a rock band.

The Guitarist
May 8, 2010

What is the DNA of a rock 'n' roll band? The series breaks this mythical beast down into its constituent parts and this episode is a look at the talents and foibles of the eternal hero of rock 'n' roll, the guitarist.

The Singer
May 2, 2010

Music stars discuss the role of the singer in a rock band.

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