Perkin, Posey and Pootle can't find Grandfather anywhere - and it's almost time for tea.
The Flumps' vegetables aren't growing so Father Flump uses some 'right and blight' mixture on them, and soon all is well, or is it ?
It's Grandfather's birthday and everyone seems to have forgotten it - but have they ?
Mother Flump has a headache so it's 'quiet please' - but Posey, Perkin and Pootle learn more about making a noise than being quiet.
Pootle wants to 'lend a hand' - but which hand and where ?
Posey, Perkin and Pootle are 'down in the dumps', but Mother Flump helps cheer them up by telling them about Auntie Myrtle.
The Flump family follow Pootle's lead and keep fit - but do the exercises really work ?
Pootle can't blow up his balloon, but when Father invents a special pump, Pootle gets a 'bird's-eye view' of the situation.
Pootle 'dreams' of being on the moon and Perkin and Posey help build a rocket to launch them there.
Pa Flump is making some roller skates for Perkin and Posie. But they are so useful for moving heavy things with, soon everyone wants to borrow them.
Pootle is 'attracting' all the metal things in the house - could it be his magnet ?
It's an 'umpty' day for Perkin. He's going round 'under a cloud'. Posey and Pootle wish they had a cloud of their own.
Meet the Flumps - a family of six round and furry creatures. Grandfather, Father, Mother, Perkin and Pootle Flump all have a secret, which they tell Posey to keep 'under your hat'. But where's her hat ?
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