Womble Summer Party
October 24, 1975

The young Wombles perform magic tricks.

Womble Fool's Day
October 23, 1975

The young Wombles play practical jokes.

The Secret Snorer
October 22, 1975

Orinoco falls asleep when he should have been scaring crows away

Operation W.R.A.P.
October 21, 1975

The young Wombles learn first aid.

The Wombles Times
October 20, 1975

The young Wombles make their own newspaper.

Autumn Leaves
October 17, 1975

Wellington, Orinoco and Tomsk invent a new way to collect fallen leaves.

Warm & Cosy
October 16, 1975

The Wimbledon Burrow needs insulating.

Pirate Gold
October 15, 1975

Tomsk and Wellington hunt for pirate treasure.

Film Show
October 14, 1975

Wellington makes a film about the Wimbledon Burrow.

October 13, 1975

Tomsk and Bungo get hiccups after eating hot buttercup crumpets.

Goodbye MacWomble
October 10, 1975

MacWomble decides to head back home after the Loch Ness Monster has been sighted.

Home Sickness
October 9, 1975

Seeing that it is Burns Night, MacWomble is feeling homesick. So the other wombles decide to cheer him up.

Highland Games
October 8, 1975

The Wombles do their version of the Highland Games.

Porridge For Breakfast
October 7, 1975

MacWomble sends the young Wombles out to gather bracken to make porridge.

A Single Piper
October 6, 1975

MacWomble's constant bagpipe playing drives everyone crazy.

MacWomble The Terrible
October 3, 1975

A Scottish relative comes to stay.

Trunk Call
October 2, 1975

Tomsk gets stuck in a hollow tree trunk.

Burrow Hot Line
October 1, 1975

Papers and wet laundry get muddled on the washing line.

Very Behind The Times
September 30, 1975

An enormous road to be built causes panic.

Portrait Of Great Uncle Bulgaria
September 29, 1975

Great Uncle Bulgaria's portrait is ruined.

The Fruit Machine
September 26, 1975

Orinoco and Wellington make a 'mid-morning snack machine'.

Madame Cholet & the Blackberries
September 25, 1975

Nobody will pick any blackberries, and that makes Madame Cholet angry.

The Vanishing Pancake
September 24, 1975

Orinoco goes fishing for pancakes after being shooed out of the kitchen.

Speak Up
September 23, 1975

Tomsk accidentally joins the water pipe to the telephone pipe.

Orinoco's Midnight Feast
September 22, 1975

Orinoco's greed ruins a midnight feast.

Running Out Of Steam
September 19, 1975

Wellington, Tomsk and Bungo make their own train.

The Largest Womble In The World
September 18, 1975

Orinoco uses a coat and a pair of boots to trick Bungo and Tomsk.

Tomsk In Trouble
September 17, 1975

Tomsk cannot make his bed so builds a hammock.

Time And Slow Motion
September 16, 1975

Tobermory organises the young Wombles' tidying-up methods.

Bungo Up A Tree
September 15, 1975

Bungo gets stuck up a tree.

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