Nicolette is handing out party invitations, she pranks Jo and Bernard sticks up for her, but is now believed to have Jo as his girlfriend, will Bernard be cool with it?
When a superstar decides to sing at the school, the janitor has too many jobs to handle. Bernard helps him out, with bad consequences as well as Mr. Steel rocking his way to love.
Bernard wants a new skateboard and Pentup Primary decides to pay the students to clean the school. But with Nicolette stealing half the kids' money, Bernard must do something to get some new wheels.
It's family past day and Bernard's Great Grandfather was a Pig Farmer. Bernard decides to liven things up until Nicolette manages to steal the watch and will break it, will Bernard be able to retrieve it before the whole world freezes?
The School is being kept for a sleepover to observe the stars but when a certain story which all the students think the school is haunted, will Bernard save the day?